[Slang] THAT'S A RIP-OFF. - Learn to Negotiate Prices with Confidence!

That's a rip-off.

That's a rip-off.

/ðæts ə ˈrɪp ɔf/

Overpriced or unfairly expensive.

That's a rip-off" is a blunt way to describe something that is considered excessively expensive or not worth the money. This slang is useful in discussions about purchasing, negotiating prices, or expressing dissatisfaction with the cost of goods or services. Being familiar with this phrase can aid in more assertive communication, especially in contexts where you need to express disagreement or negotiate better deals.

Example Sentences

  1. Twenty dollars for this? That's a rip-off!

    The person feels that paying twenty dollars for the item is excessively expensive and not worth the money.

  2. Don't buy that, it's a rip-off.

    The advice suggests that purchasing the item is not a good deal because it is overpriced.

  3. They charged me too much for the service, that's a rip-off.

    The person feels that they were overcharged for the service, indicating a belief that the service cost is unjustifiably high.

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