[Slang] KEEP IT SNAPPY. - Learn to Communicate Quickly and Effectively

Keep it snappy.

Keep it snappy.

/kiːp ɪt ˈsnæpi/

Be quick or concise.

Keep it snappy" is an idiomatic expression used frequently in English to encourage someone to be quick or concise in their communication. It's particularly useful in settings where time is of the essence, such as meetings or briefings. This phrase can be a friendly nudge to get to the point or wrap things up without unnecessary delay. Mastering such expressions can enhance your ability to express urgency and brevity in everyday conversations, making it an essential skill for efficient communication.

Example Sentences

  1. We're on a tight schedule, so keep it snappy.

    Reminder to be quick due to a tight schedule.

  2. Could you keep it snappy? We don't have all day.

    Request to hurry up as time is limited.

  3. Everything needs to run smoothly today; let's keep it snappy and efficient.

    Emphasizing the need for efficiency and speed today.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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