[Slang] THAT'S A WRAP. - Discover How to Signal Completion with Style

That's a wrap.

That's a wrap.

/ðæts ə ræp/

Finished or completed.

That's a wrap" is commonly used in the film and television industry to signify that filming has concluded, but it has permeated everyday language to indicate that any activity is coming to an end. Whether wrapping up a meeting, a party, or a project, saying "That's a wrap" adds a touch of finality and accomplishment to the conclusion. This expression is perfect for those looking to succinctly communicate that all necessary work has been done and it's time to move on to other tasks or relax after a job well done.

Example Sentences

  1. We finished filming, that's a wrap.

    - The phrase marks the completion of a filming session.

  2. Once we complete this scene, that's a wrap.

    - Indicates that finishing the current scene concludes the activity or event.

  3. After the last performance, everyone cheered and said, “That’s a wrap!”

    - Celebrating the end of the last performance with a declaration of completion.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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