[Slang] TAKE A CHILL PILL. - Master the Art of Staying Cool With These Phrases!

Take a chill pill.

Take a chill pill.

/ˈteɪk ə tʃɪl pɪl/

Calm down or relax.

Take a chill pill" is a playful expression advising someone to relax or calm down. It's often used in casual, informal settings when someone is stressed, anxious, or overly excited. The phrase injects humor into reminding someone to lessen their intensity, making it a friendly nudge towards adopting a more laid-back attitude in stressful situations.

Example Sentences

  1. Hey, take a chill pill, it’s not that serious.

    Hey, calm down, it's not that serious.

  2. You’re too worked up, take a chill pill.

    You're too agitated, calm down.

  3. I think you should take a chill pill and rethink this later.

    I think you should relax and rethink this decision later.

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