That's wired.
That's wired" is a slang term that conveys a sense of something being strange or unusual, often in an unnerving way. If a situation or behavior appears off, peculiar, or makes you feel uneasy, you might say, "That's wired." It can also refer to someone being extremely energetic, hyper, or overly stimulated, as if they've had too much caffeine.
Example Sentences
She's really that's wired after drinking all that coffee.
She's highly energetic and animated after drinking all that coffee.
When he’s wired, it's almost impossible to get him to sleep.
When he’s highly energetic, it’s almost impossible to get him to sleep.
He drank three espressosthatt's wiredhim through till midnight, working on his project.
He drank three espressos and was extremely energetic until midnight, working on his project.