[Slang] IN YOUR FACE! - Explore Expressive English Language Use

In your face!

In your face!

/ɪn jʊr feɪs/

Confrontationally impressive.

In your face!" is a phrase used to denote something done boldly or with assertiveness, often in a manner that is hard to ignore. It is typically employed in competitive situations to taunt or boast about a triumph directly to opponents. This phrase is vibrant and filled with emotion, making it useful for those learning English to understand the nuances of confrontational or competitive interactions.

Example Sentences

  1. That dunk was totally in your face!

    That dunk was aggressively impressive and humiliating for the opponent.

  2. He scored and shouted, "In your face!"

    He scored and bragged aggressively to the other team.

  3. After winning the match, he screamed, “In your face!” to the opposing team.

    After winning, he taunted the losing team with a bold exclamation.

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