/ˈloʊ ˌbɔl/
/ˈloʊ ˌbɔl/
Low-ball" is a term used in negotiation contexts, referring to an offer that is deliberately lower than the value of the item or service being discussed. It's a strategy often employed to start negotiations with the aim of finding a middle ground. This term can also imply a testing strategy to see the lowest price someone will accept. Whether you're buying a car, negotiating a salary, or haggling at a market, knowing how to use and respond to a low-ball offer can be a crucial skill in ensuring you get the best deal possible.
Don't low-ball me with that offer, please!
Don't give me a low offer, please!
He low-balled the price and lost the deal.
He offered a low price and lost the deal.
If you keep low-balling your bids, you might never win a contract.
If you keep making low bids, you might never win a contract.