[Slang] MAKE BANK. - Learn How to Earn Big in Today's Economy!

Make bank.

Make bank.

/meɪk bæŋk/

Earn a lot of money.

To "make bank" means to earn a significant amount of money, often more than one might expect. It's a phrase commonly used to describe financial success achieved through various means such as a job, investment, or a side hustle. The expression is especially popular among younger audiences and in contexts involving financial discussions about lucrative careers or profitable ventures. Understanding and using the term "make bank" can help you connect with conversations about financial success and aspirations, giving you a modern way to discuss earning big!

Example Sentences

  1. You must make bank with that new job!

    You must be earning a lot of money with that new job!

  2. She's really making bank after launching her online store.

    She's earning a lot after starting her online store.

  3. With all these gigs lined up, the band is going to make bank this summer.

    With all these performances lined up, the band is going to earn a lot this summer.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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