[Slang] SO OVER IT. - Learn How to Move On and Embrace Change

So over it.

So over it.

/səʊ ˈoʊvər ɪt/

Fed up, no longer interested.

So over it" is a colloquial way of expressing complete dissatisfaction or boredom with a situation or subject. When someone says they are "so over it," they are indicating that they have reached a point of exasperation and no longer wish to be involved with or affected by the ongoing issue. This phrase is particularly common among younger demographics and on social media, where it's used to dismiss trends, discussions, or relationships that no longer offer satisfaction or relevance.

Example Sentences

  1. Honestly, I'm so over it, I don't even care anymore.

    Expressing no longer caring about the situation.

  2. She's so over her old job, she's looking for something new.

    No longer interested in her old job and seeking new opportunities.

  3. After dealing with the constant issues, I'm just so over it and ready to move on.

    Tired of dealing with issues and ready to move on.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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