[Slang] LAY LOW. - Master the Art of Staying Inconspicuous with American Slang

Lay low.

Lay low.

Stay out of sight.

To "lay low" means to keep a low profile or hide out to avoid attention or trouble. It's often used in contexts where someone might be avoiding the law, the media, or just taking a break from social activities. It's akin to staying under the radar — think of it as being incognito in your everyday life.

Example Sentences

  1. Just lay low until things cool off.

    The speaker advises someone to keep a low profile until things calm down.

  2. He's in trouble, so he's going to lay low for a few days.

    The speaker notes that someone is in trouble and will keep a low profile for a few days.

  3. After the argument, I decided to lay low at home and avoid going out.

    The speaker decided to keep a low profile at home and avoid going out after an argument.

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