[Slang] HANG IN THERE. - Learn to Encourage Others in English!

Hang in there.

Hang in there.

/hæŋ ɪn ðɛər/

Keep persevering.

Hang in there" is an expression of encouragement, often used to tell someone to keep enduring a difficult situation with patience and resilience. It suggests that there is hope on the horizon, even if things are tough right now.

Example Sentences

  1. Hang in there, you're almost through with this tough project.

    Keep going, you're almost done with this difficult project.

  2. Just hang in there, better days are surely coming.

    Stay strong, better days are coming.

  3. I know it's tough now, but hang in there; everything will get better soon.

    I know it’s tough now, but things will improve soon, stay resilient.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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