[Slang] IT'S ON THE HOUSE. - Unlock Ways to Offer Compliments and Freebies!

It's on the house.

It's on the house.

/ɪts ɒn ðə haʊs/

Free of charge.

It's on the house" means that a service or an item is offered for free, usually by a business. This phrase is often used in bars, restaurants, or hotels to indicate that the business will cover the cost of the item as a gesture of goodwill or to make amends for a previous inconvenience. Understanding and using this phrase can enhance your English in situations involving commerce or customer service, making you sound more native and well-versed in local customs.

Example Sentences

  1. Enjoy your meal, it's on the house.

    The phrase indicates that the meal is being offered free of charge by the establishment.

  2. This round of drinks is on the house.

    The statement means that the establishment is offering a round of drinks free of charge.

  3. Since it's your birthday, dessert is on the house!

    In celebration of someone's birthday, they are being offered a dessert for free as a gift from the establishment.

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