[Slang] THAT'S A DOOZY. - Understanding What Makes a Doozy Stand Out

That's a doozy.

That's a doozy.

Something outstanding or unique.

That's a doozy" likely originated from the "Duesenberg" luxury automobile, which was outstanding in its time. Today, the phrase refers to anything particularly impressive or extraordinary, standing out from the ordinary.

Example Sentences

  1. Wow, that's a doozy of a story you just told me.

    The speaker thinks the story just told was very remarkable and impressive.

  2. That storm last night was a real doozy, wasn't it?

    The speaker describes the storm last night as very intense and remarkable.

  3. When she described the situation, I knew right away that it was a doozy.

    When describing the situation, the speaker immediately realized it was very remarkable and intense.

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