Run with it.
Go ahead with the idea.
The phrase "Run with it" is a classic piece of English slang. It means to proceed with an idea or plan with enthusiasm and without hesitation. Picture this: someone tosses you a football and yells, "Run with it!" They’re not just telling you to sprint down the field; they’re encouraging you to take the opportunity and make the most of it. Similarly, in everyday conversation, when someone proposes an idea and you say "Run with it," you're giving them the green light to proceed with confidence and take charge of the initiative.
Example Sentences
She came up with an idea, and I told her to run with it.
She came up with an idea, and I encouraged her to pursue it.
They gave him the project, so he’s going to run with it.
They gave him the project, so he’s going to take charge of it.
After the brainstorming session, the team decided to run with the new marketing strategy.
After the brainstorming session, the team decided to pursue the new marketing strategy.