[English 101] 咖啡馆菜单 - 点咖啡和小吃的用语

Cafe Menu:

Lesson Introduction

Cafe Menu


Teaching Material

  1. This cafe has a cozy atmosphere.
    • cafe (noun) - 咖啡馆
    • 在日常对话中,用于指提供咖啡、点心的小型休闲场所。常见于与朋友约会或工作会谈时,描述一个放松的环境。
    • A: Shall we meet at the cafe? B: Sounds great, see you there.
  2. The barista recommended a new seasonal latte.
    • barista (noun) - 咖啡师
    • 指专业冲泡咖啡的人,常见于咖啡馆。和他们交流时可以询问饮品推荐或口味偏好。
    • A: Who made your coffee? B: The barista with the tattoo on her arm.
  3. Could you pass me the menu, please?
    • menu (noun) - 菜单
    • 在咖啡馆点餐时常用,展示可点饮品、食物的清单,方便选择。
    • A: Have you seen the new menu? B: Yes, they added more dessert options.
  4. I prefer a strong espresso in the morning.
    • espresso (noun) - 浓缩咖啡
    • 意式咖啡的基底,以高压热水快速冲出浓缩咖啡。口感浓厚,咖啡因含量高,适合喜欢纯咖啡味的顾客。
    • A: Would you like an espresso? B: Yes, a double shot, please.
  5. A latte has more milk than a cappuccino.
    • latte (noun) - 拿铁咖啡
    • 由浓缩咖啡加大量牛奶制成,口感顺滑,不太苦,是大众常点的咖啡选择。
    • A: How sweet do you want your latte? B: Just a little sugar, please.
  6. A cappuccino typically has equal parts espresso, milk, and foam.
    • cappuccino (noun) - 卡布奇诺
    • 含浓缩咖啡、热牛奶和奶泡,口感层次分明。早晨或下午都适合,若喜欢更丰富的奶泡口感可选择它。
    • A: Do you serve cappuccino? B: Yes, with extra foam if you like.
  7. An Americano is espresso with added hot water.
    • americano (noun) - 美式咖啡
    • 将浓缩咖啡加热水稀释,口感类似滴滤咖啡,但风味保有浓缩的香气,适合喜欢清淡又保有咖啡香的人。
    • A: Can I get an Americano? B: Sure, do you need room for milk?
  8. Mocha blends chocolate syrup with espresso and milk.
    • mocha (noun) - 摩卡咖啡
    • 在拿铁的基础上加入巧克力酱,甜香口感,是爱巧克力和咖啡人群的交集品。
    • A: I’m craving something sweet. B: How about a mocha?
  9. A traditional macchiato is just espresso ‘stained’ with foam.
    • macchiato (noun) - 玛奇朵
    • 传统意式玛奇朵咖啡以浓缩咖啡加少量奶泡制成,焦糖玛奇朵是现代连锁咖啡店的改良版。
    • A: Do you have a caramel macchiato? B: Yes, it’s one of our best-sellers.
  10. A flat white has a velvety texture with less foam than a latte.
    • flat white (noun) - 馥芮白/平白咖啡
    • 澳洲和新西兰流行的咖啡,融合浓缩咖啡与细腻奶泡,口感更醇厚。适合喜爱浓郁咖啡与奶香平衡者。
    • A: How’s the flat white here? B: It’s really smooth, you should try it.
  11. Cold brew is steeped in cold water for several hours.
    • cold brew (noun) - 冷萃咖啡
    • 以冷水长时间浸泡咖啡豆制得,酸度低、口感顺滑,适合炎热天气或不喜咖啡酸感者。
    • A: Is your cold brew strong? B: Yes, it’s quite bold in flavor.
  12. Iced coffee is just hot coffee poured over ice.
    • iced coffee (noun) - 冰咖啡
    • 将热咖啡或美式咖啡加冰快速冷却而成,味道与香气稍有不同,适合夏天或喜爱冰饮的人。
    • A: Do you want iced coffee or cold brew? B: I'll try the cold brew for a smoother taste.
  13. I'd like a decaf latte before bedtime.
    • decaf (adjective/noun) - 低因/无咖啡因咖啡
    • 指去除了大部分咖啡因的咖啡,适合对咖啡因敏感或晚上也想享受咖啡香气却不想失眠的人。
    • A: Is decaf an option here? B: Yes, we can make any drink decaf.
  14. We use a medium roast bean for a balanced flavor.
    • roast (noun/verb) - 烘焙度(咖啡)
    • 咖啡豆的烘焙程度影响口味与香气,浅焙酸度高,深焙苦味更重,挑选时可根据个人喜好。
    • A: What roast do you recommend? B: Try our dark roast if you like bold coffee.
  15. Drip coffee is a classic home-brew style.
    • drip coffee (noun) - 滴滤咖啡
    • 通过过滤纸或滤网让热水慢慢经过咖啡粉,通常酸度与苦味均衡,家庭和咖啡馆常见。
    • A: Do you have drip coffee today? B: Sure, we have a fresh pot brewed.
  16. The foam on this cappuccino is perfectly frothed.
    • foam (noun) - 奶泡
    • 牛奶在蒸汽或搅打下形成的细腻泡沫,多见于拿铁、卡布奇诺、玛奇朵等意式咖啡。
    • A: How do you want your foam? B: Light foam, please.
  17. We offer whole, skim, and soy milk.
    • milk (noun) - 牛奶
    • 咖啡或茶中常用到的乳制品,也有豆奶、燕麦奶等替代选择,满足不同口味与饮食需求。
    • A: Do you have almond milk? B: Yes, we also have oat milk.
  18. Steamed milk creates a silky texture in lattes.
    • steamed milk (noun) - 蒸汽牛奶
    • 通过蒸汽棒加热并打出绵密感的牛奶,用于拿铁或卡布奇诺;增加口感和香气。
    • A: Can you add some steamed milk to my tea? B: Absolutely.
  19. Hot chocolate with whipped cream is my favorite treat.
    • whipped cream (noun) - 奶油霜/打发奶油
    • 将淡奶油打发至蓬松,常用于饮品或甜点表面,增添甜度与口感。
    • A: Would you like whipped cream on top? B: Yes, please!
  20. We have vanilla, caramel, and hazelnut syrups.
    • syrup (noun) - 糖浆
    • 常在咖啡或饮品中添加以增甜或增味,种类丰富,适合想要更多风味的客人。
    • A: Can I get extra caramel syrup? B: Sure, I'll add one more pump.
  21. Would you like sugar or sweetener in your coffee?
    • sweetener (noun) - 代糖/甜味剂
    • 糖的替代品,如代糖、甜菊糖、木糖醇等,适合在意血糖或卡路里的人。
    • A: Do you have any zero-calorie sweetener? B: Yes, we have stevia packets.
  22. I'd like my coffee in a to-go cup, please.
    • cup (noun) - 杯子
    • 容器,可指外带纸杯或店内陶瓷杯,随需求选择方便环保。
    • A: Paper cup or reusable cup? B: I brought my own tumbler.
  23. I prefer a mug for my coffee when I dine in.
    • mug (noun) - 马克杯
    • 店内使用或家中常见陶瓷杯,用于喝热饮显得更舒适、保温好。
    • A: Would you like your latte in a mug? B: Yes, I'll be drinking here.
  24. I’m in a hurry, so I'll get my coffee to-go.
    • to-go (adjective) - 外带
    • 在咖啡馆指打包或带走的方式,方便赶时间或路上享用。
    • A: Are you having it here or to-go? B: To-go, please.
  25. Dine-in customers can enjoy free refills on brewed coffee.
    • dine-in (verb phrase/adjective) - 堂食
    • 表示在店内享用餐点,适合有空闲时间或想享受店内氛围的客人。
    • A: Will you be dining in or taking out? B: I’ll dine in and relax.
  26. Which size would you like, small, medium, or large?
    • size (noun) - 尺寸/大小
    • 咖啡店一般提供不同容量的杯型,点单时需要说明大小,如small、medium、large。
    • A: I’ll have a small latte. B: No problem, coming right up.
  27. A regular latte is perfect for me.
    • regular (adjective) - 常规/中杯
    • 在部分咖啡店中指普通或中杯大小,适用于不想要过量饮品的人。
    • A: Do you want a regular or large? B: Regular is fine.
  28. I'll take a large cappuccino with extra foam.
    • large (adjective) - 大杯
    • 表示加大份量或容量,适合咖啡需求量大或想长时间饮用者。
    • A: Are you sure you want a large? B: Yes, I need more caffeine.
  29. I always add an extra shot for more caffeine.
    • extra shot (noun phrase) - 额外浓缩咖啡液
    • 点咖啡时可额外添加一份浓缩,增浓咖啡味与咖啡因含量。
    • A: Would you like an extra shot in your latte? B: Yes, make it extra strong.
  30. A half-caf option keeps me from feeling jittery.
    • half-caf (adjective) - 半咖啡因
    • 在一杯咖啡中将咖啡因与低因咖啡混合,既保留香味又减少摄入量。
    • A: Can you make it half-caf? B: Sure, I'll mix decaf and regular shots.
  31. A hot chocolate is perfect for cold weather.
    • hot chocolate (noun) - 热巧克力
    • 不含咖啡因的甜热饮,以可可粉或巧克力酱制作,可加奶油增添口感。
    • A: I don’t drink coffee. Do you have hot chocolate? B: Absolutely, topped with whipped cream?
  32. We have black, green, and herbal tea options.
    • tea (noun) -
    • 咖啡馆内常见的非咖啡因饮品,选择多,适合偏爱清淡或养生的人。
    • A: What tea flavors do you offer? B: Earl Grey, chamomile, and green tea.
  33. Herbal tea like chamomile is caffeine-free.
    • herbal tea (noun) - 花草茶
    • 由草本、花或水果冲泡而成,多不含咖啡因,可帮助放松或调理。
    • A: Do you have herbal tea? B: Yes, we have chamomile, mint, and hibiscus.
  34. A chai latte is spiced black tea mixed with steamed milk.
    • chai latte (noun) - 印度香料奶茶
    • 利用香料茶与牛奶制成,口感香甜辛辣,适合想尝试异国风味的人。
    • A: Is your chai latte sweet? B: It has a mild sweetness with cinnamon and cardamom.
  35. Matcha latte has a vibrant green color and earthy taste.
    • matcha (noun) - 抹茶
    • 源自日本的绿茶粉,高抗氧化,制作成拿铁或热饮带有独特清香,常见于咖啡馆菜单。
    • A: Do you serve matcha lattes? B: Yes, would you like it sweetened?
  36. A mocha frappe is perfect on a hot day.
    • frappe (noun) - 冰沙咖啡/法式奶昔咖啡
    • 冰块、咖啡和甜味调料搅打制成的冰沙式饮品,适合喜欢清凉甜口的顾客。
    • A: Should I get a frappe? B: It’s really sweet and icy, good for summer.
    • frappé - 同义不同写法,来源于希腊语,也可见于各类连锁咖啡店。
  37. A fruit smoothie is a healthier alternative to sugary drinks.
    • smoothie (noun) - 冰沙果昔
    • 以水果、酸奶或果汁混合制成,口感浓郁,营养丰富,适合想要清爽或健康选项的人。
    • A: Do you have strawberry banana smoothie? B: Yes, we use fresh fruits.
  38. We have an assortment of pastries to go with your coffee.
    • pastry (noun) - 糕点/酥皮点心
    • 咖啡馆常见配咖啡的小吃,如可颂、蛋挞、丹麦面包等;增添美味与饱足。
    • A: Can I get a pastry with my espresso? B: Sure, we have croissants and muffins.
  39. A warm croissant pairs nicely with a latte.
    • croissant (noun) - 可颂/牛角包
    • 法式酥皮面包,层次多、口感酥脆,常与咖啡搭配,是早餐或茶点的好选择。
    • A: Do you want a plain croissant or chocolate one? B: Plain, please.
  40. Blueberry muffins are our bestseller.
    • muffin (noun) - 松饼/马芬
    • 甜味小蛋糕或烤饼,常混合水果或巧克力碎,可做早餐或甜点。
    • A: Which muffin do you recommend? B: Try the banana nut, it's delicious.
  41. A scone is great with jam or butter.
    • scone (noun) - 司康饼
    • 英式茶点,多搭配果酱或奶油。口感松软,适合搭配咖啡或茶。
    • A: Are the scones fresh today? B: Yes, we baked them this morning.
  42. You can toast a bagel and add cream cheese.
    • bagel (noun) - 百吉饼
    • 密度较高的圆形面包,可加奶油奶酪、黄油或果酱,适合早餐或小食。
    • A: Do you serve bagels all day? B: Yes, and we have different spreads too.
  43. Chocolate chip cookies are a great coffee companion.
    • cookie (noun) - 饼干/曲奇
    • 甜味脆饼,咖啡馆常见小点,品种多,适合喜欢甜食的人。
    • A: Can I get a cookie with my latte? B: Sure, we have fresh-baked ones today.
  44. Our fudge brownie is rich and chocolaty.
    • brownie (noun) - 布朗尼
    • 浓郁巧克力蛋糕,质地较厚,甜度高,搭配咖啡风味更佳。
    • A: Do you have any pastries with chocolate? B: Yes, the brownie is very popular.
  45. We serve breakfast sandwiches until 11 AM.
    • sandwich (noun) - 三明治
    • 方便携带且可冷可热,多种配料可选,适合做简餐或饱腹点心。
    • A: Can I have a ham and cheese sandwich? B: Certainly, it’ll be ready soon.
  46. A chicken wrap is a lighter option for lunch.
    • wrap (noun) - 卷饼/卷
    • 用薄饼卷起肉类、蔬菜等馅料的食物,适合作为外带或快速午餐。
    • A: Do you serve wraps? B: Yes, we have a veggie wrap and a chicken wrap.
  47. We offer a side salad to pair with your sandwich.
    • salad (noun) - 沙拉
    • 以生菜、蔬菜、蛋白质等组成的冷食,配以酱汁,健康轻食爱好者常选。
    • A: Could I get a Caesar salad? B: Of course, dressing on the side?
  48. We have gluten-free brownies for those with dietary restrictions.
    • gluten-free (adjective) - 无麸质
    • 指不含小麦、黑麦、大麦蛋白的食品,适合对麸质敏感或选择无麸质饮食者。
    • A: Is this muffin gluten-free? B: Yes, it's made with almond flour.
  49. Our cafe offers a vegan sandwich with avocado.
    • vegan (adjective) - 纯素/全素
    • 不使用任何动物制品的食品,包含植物性奶、无鸡蛋烘焙等,符合纯素食者需求。
    • A: Do you have vegan desserts? B: Yes, the chocolate cake is vegan-friendly.
  50. We also serve dairy-free milk alternatives like almond or oat milk.
    • dairy-free (adjective) - 不含乳制品
    • 不含牛奶、奶油、黄油等乳制品,适合乳糖不耐或不食用奶制品的人群。
    • A: Is this ice cream dairy-free? B: Yes, it’s made with coconut milk.
  51. They offer sugar-free vanilla syrup for your latte.
    • sugar-free (adjective) - 无糖
    • 指未添加精制糖或含糖量极低的产品,适合糖尿病或控制热量摄入者。
    • A: Any sugar-free options for my coffee? B: Yes, we have sugar-free syrups.
  52. Napkins are on the counter if you need more.
    • napkins (noun) - 餐巾纸
    • 用于擦拭或保持清洁,在点餐或就餐时常需要随手取用。
    • A: Do you have extra napkins? B: Sure, they’re right by the condiment stand.
  53. Paper straws are more eco-friendly than plastic ones.
    • straw (noun) - 吸管
    • 喝冷饮或冰沙常用,部分店铺提供可降解纸吸管或可重复使用的钢吸管。
    • A: Could I have a straw for my iced latte? B: Of course, here you go.
  54. Use a stirrer to mix in your sugar.
    • stirrer (noun) - 搅拌棒
    • 用于搅拌咖啡、茶或其他饮品中添加的糖、奶精等,通常是一次性或木质的。
    • A: Do you have a stirrer for my coffee? B: Yes, they’re on the condiment station.
  55. Condiments like sugar, napkins, and stirrers are self-serve.
    • condiments (noun) - 调味配料/调料台
    • 包括糖、奶精、盐、胡椒等自助取用的调味用品,咖啡馆会在固定位置集中放置。
    • A: Where can I find sugar for my coffee? B: On the condiments table by the wall.
  56. Pay for your order at the cashier.
    • cashier (noun) - 收银员
    • 负责收款并提供结账服务的工作人员,有问题如价格或点单可向其咨询。
    • A: Where do I pay? B: The cashier is at the front counter.
  57. Here's your bill, please pay at the front.
    • bill (noun) - 账单
    • 餐后或结账时展示的消费明细,查看金额后可选择现金或刷卡支付。
    • A: Could I have the bill? B: Sure, I'll bring it right over.
    • check - 与bill意思相同,尤其在美式英语中更常听到“check”一词。
  58. Keep your receipt in case of any issues.
    • receipt (noun) - 收据/小票
    • 支付后由收银机打印的证明,可用于退换或报销,建议妥善保管。
    • A: Can I get a receipt? B: Of course, here you are.
  59. Many customers leave a tip for good service.
    • tip (noun) - 小费
    • 部分国家/地区有付小费习惯,以示对服务满意或认可,一般金额按消费额比例。
    • A: Should I leave a tip for the barista? B: Yes, it's polite to tip if you're happy with the service.
  60. I'll place the order for us at the counter.
    • order (verb/noun) - 点单/订单
    • 指下单或已下的餐饮清单,顾客与咖啡师沟通需求,或在结账前确认。
    • A: Did you get my order right? B: Yes, one latte and one croissant.
  61. The barista’s recommendation is the seasonal caramel latte.
    • recommendation (noun) - 推荐
    • 在不确定要点什么时可询问咖啡师或服务员,他们往往熟悉新品或招牌饮品。
    • A: Any recommendation for today? B: The new ginger latte is quite popular.
    • suggestion - 在口头交流或询问时,使用“suggestion”也能表达类似含义,略显更随意。
  62. Our specialty is the lavender-infused latte.
    • specialty (noun) - 招牌(特产/特色)
    • 咖啡馆主打或独特的产品,通常是店内特有配方或特色风味。
    • A: What's the cafe specialty? B: We have a rose latte you might like.
  63. The signature drink here is a honey latte.
    • signature drink (noun phrase) - 招牌饮品
    • 与specialty相似,指店家最具代表性的饮品,可以了解店铺风格或特色。
    • A: Should I try their signature drink? B: Absolutely, it's quite unique.
  64. The flavor of this mocha is rich and chocolatey.
    • flavor (noun) - 口味/风味
    • 描述饮品或食品的整体味道,可用来讨论苦、甜、香、酸等各种感受。
    • A: How’s the flavor of the new syrup? B: It’s got a sweet, caramel note.
  65. I'd like a latte with light sugar.
    • light (adjective) - 淡/少量
    • 可用来表示减少糖量、奶泡或其他添加物,让口味更清淡。
    • A: Do you want full syrup? B: Just light syrup, thanks.
  66. He prefers his coffee strong with an extra shot.
    • strong (adjective) - 浓/重口味
    • 强调咖啡味道或香气浓郁,可透过加浓缩咖啡或选深焙豆实现。
    • A: How do you like your coffee? B: I like it strong and bold.
  67. A mild roast can be easier on the stomach.
    • mild (adjective) - 温和/口味淡
    • 表示风味柔和或不具强烈刺激感,适合对苦味或酸度敏感的人。
    • A: Do you prefer strong or mild coffee? B: Mild, please, so it’s not too bitter.
  68. Be careful, the hot coffee can burn your tongue.
    • hot (adjective) - 热的
    • 指饮品的温度较高,一般咖啡店现做即可趁热喝,但小心烫口。
    • A: Is my latte hot enough? B: Yes, just off the steamer.
  69. They can make your milk warm but not too hot.
    • warm (adjective) - 温的
    • 介于热和室温之间,更加舒适易入口,适合对过热敏感的人。
    • A: Can I get my drink at a warm temperature? B: Sure, I’ll steam it less.
  70. I like my latte extra hot so it stays warm longer.
    • extra hot (adjective phrase) - 特热
    • 咖啡店可根据顾客需求蒸煮更久,让温度更高,适合想要延长饮用时间者。
    • A: Would you like your drink extra hot? B: Yes, please steam it a bit more.
  71. Iced drinks are popular in the summer.
    • iced (adjective) - 加冰的/冰的
    • 指饮料中添加冰块或以冷方式制成,适合天气炎热时享用。
    • A: Do you want your Americano hot or iced? B: Iced, please.
  72. We have sugar, honey, and Splenda as sweetener options.
    • splenda (noun) - 思倍达代糖(品牌)
    • 一种常见的低热量代糖品牌,适合控制血糖或热量摄入。
    • A: Do you have Splenda? B: Yes, it's on the condiments bar.
  73. Some prefer stevia for a more natural sweetener.
    • stevia (noun) - 甜菊糖(天然代糖)
    • 来源于植物甜菊叶的天然甜味剂,不含热量,适合注重健康或糖摄入者。
    • A: Can I add stevia to my tea? B: Sure, we have packets here.
  74. We offer soy milk as a dairy alternative.
    • soy milk (noun) - 豆奶
    • 用黄豆制成的植物奶,适合乳糖不耐或素食者,口感绵密。
    • A: Do you have soy milk for my latte? B: Yes, we do.
  75. Almond milk has a light, nutty flavor.
    • almond milk (noun) - 杏仁奶
    • 以杏仁制成的植物奶,不含乳糖,带有淡淡坚果香,用于咖啡或奶茶风味清爽。
    • A: Can I order a latte with almond milk? B: Absolutely, coming right up.
  76. Oat milk is creamy and great for frothing.
    • oat milk (noun) - 燕麦奶
    • 使用燕麦制成的植物奶,泡沫更容易打发,适合拿铁或卡布奇诺等需绵密奶泡的咖啡。
    • A: Does oat milk taste good in coffee? B: Yes, it's quite smooth and mild.
  77. Caramel drizzle on top of whipped cream is delicious.
    • caramel (noun) - 焦糖
    • 熬糖制成的甜酱或糖浆,常用于增添焦糖香甜,和咖啡或甜点搭配。
    • A: Could you add a caramel swirl? B: Absolutely, it adds sweetness and flavor.
  78. Hazelnut syrup gives a nutty twist to your coffee.
    • hazelnut (noun) - 榛果
    • 榛果口味的咖啡添加剂,带有坚果芬芳,适合甜系咖啡控。
    • A: Do you want vanilla or hazelnut syrup? B: Let's do hazelnut.
  79. Vanilla latte is a classic sweet treat.
    • vanilla (noun) - 香草
    • 温和清甜的香草风味,普遍用于饮品和甜点,不易抢味且易被大众接受。
    • A: Any flavored latte you'd recommend? B: Vanilla is quite popular.
  80. Pumpkin spice lattes are popular in the fall.
    • pumpkin spice (noun) - 南瓜香料
    • 由肉桂、姜、肉豆蔻等混合香料制成,常于秋季推出,口感温暖香甜。
    • A: When do you start selling pumpkin spice drinks? B: Usually in September.
  81. Sprinkle some cinnamon on top for extra aroma.
    • cinnamon (noun) - 肉桂
    • 常用香料,为咖啡或甜点增添温暖香气,适合卡布奇诺、拿铁或烘焙类食品。
    • A: Do you have cinnamon powder? B: Yes, at the condiment station.
  82. You can sweeten your tea with honey instead of sugar.
    • honey (noun) - 蜂蜜
    • 天然甜味剂,相对于白糖更具风味与保健价值,适合想尝试自然甜味的人。
    • A: Do you have honey for my chamomile tea? B: Certainly, would you like lemon too?
  83. The chai here is made with fresh spices.
    • chai (noun) - 香料奶茶(简略说法)
    • 源自印度的奶茶,内含多种香料,有别于一般红茶,带有温暖辛香。
    • A: I'll have a chai, please. B: Hot or iced? A: Hot, thanks.
  84. A single shot of espresso might be enough for me.
    • shot (noun) - 浓缩咖啡份量/小杯量
    • 用来量化浓缩咖啡的单位,一般为30ml左右,喜好咖啡浓度高可选双倍。
    • A: One shot or two? B: Let’s go with a double shot.
  85. A double shot latte is quite strong.
    • double shot (noun phrase) - 双份浓缩咖啡
    • 在一杯咖啡中添加两倍分量的浓缩咖啡,提升咖啡因与香气浓度。
    • A: Should I get a double shot? B: If you need an extra boost, sure.
  86. Our house blend has a smooth, balanced flavor.
    • house blend (noun) - 店内特调咖啡豆混合
    • 咖啡馆特别配比的多种咖啡豆,创造独特风味,常用于招牌咖啡或滴滤咖啡。
    • A: What beans are you using? B: It’s our house blend, a mix of South American beans.
  87. We have a limited reserve coffee from Kenya.
    • reserve (noun/adjective) - 精选/珍藏(咖啡)
    • 用于高品质或稀有产地的咖啡豆,多限量供应并价格稍高,适合咖啡爱好者。
    • A: What’s special today? B: A single-origin reserve that’s only here for a week.
  88. A single origin coffee offers unique regional flavors.
    • single origin (adjective phrase/noun phrase) - 单一产区
    • 指只来自某一产区或庄园的咖啡豆,风味更纯粹,适合想尝试特定产区特色的人。
    • A: Is this from a single origin? B: Yes, 100% Colombian beans.
  89. The aroma of freshly ground coffee is amazing.
    • aroma (noun) - 香气
    • 描述咖啡或茶散发的香味,是评判品质和风味的重要因素。
    • A: Can you smell that aroma? B: It’s heavenly, must be freshly brewed.
  90. Try different beans to awaken your taste buds.
    • taste buds (noun phrase) - 味蕾
    • 指人的味觉感受器,用来谈论口感与对风味的敏锐度,在品尝新品时常用。
    • A: How do you find this new roast? B: It’s really opening up my taste buds.
  91. A perfect espresso shot has a thick crema on top.
    • crema (noun) - 咖啡油脂/克丽玛
    • 意式浓缩咖啡表面形成的浅棕色泡沫层,代表咖啡新鲜度与萃取品质。
    • A: Why is there a golden layer on the espresso? B: That’s the crema, it’s a good sign!
  92. We brew fresh coffee every hour.
    • brew (verb/noun) - 冲泡/煮制
    • 指咖啡或茶的制作过程,也可指成品,如brew coffee。冲泡方式影响最终风味。
    • A: How do you brew your drip coffee? B: We use a pour-over method with medium grind.
  93. You can order ahead using our mobile app.
    • order ahead (phrasal verb) - 提前下单
    • 指通过手机或网站提前点餐,到店后无需久等,节省时间。
    • A: Can I order ahead to skip the line? B: Yes, just use our app.
  94. Stamp your loyalty card for a free drink after ten visits.
    • loyalty card (noun phrase) - 忠诚度会员卡
    • 店家提供的积点或打卡服务,用以回馈常客,可换取免费或优惠项目。
    • A: Do you have a loyalty card? B: Yes, I get a free coffee every tenth purchase.
  95. We appreciate your feedback on our new menu items.
    • feedback (noun) - 反馈/意见
    • 与店员或咖啡师沟通对产品或服务的建议,帮助店家改进或了解顾客喜好。
    • A: How was the latte? B: It was a bit too sweet, just a heads-up.
  96. Our cold drinks come in portable cups with lids.
    • portable (adjective) - 便携的
    • 描述易携带的特点,咖啡馆常提供手提盖或保温杯,让顾客出行方便。
    • A: Is it safe to carry out? B: Yes, the lid makes it portable.
  97. We offer free refills on drip coffee.
    • refill (noun/verb) - 续杯/再添
    • 在部分店家或饮品类型下可享续杯服务,多为美式咖啡或茶,注意店家政策。
    • A: Can I get a refill on my coffee? B: Sure, let me top that up.
  98. There’s usually a long queue in the morning.
    • queue (noun) - 排队/队伍
    • 指等候点单或结账的队伍。高峰期如早晨或午后时段需要较长等待。
    • A: The queue is really long. B: Let’s wait or order ahead.
    • line - 在美式英语中更常用“line”表示排队,含义相同。
  99. Pick up your order at the counter.
    • counter (noun) - 柜台
    • 咖啡馆提供点单、结账或取餐的台面,顾客与工作人员在此交互。
    • A: Should I wait at the table or the counter? B: Just wait by the pickup counter.
  100. Your pickup order is under your name.
    • pickup (noun/verb) - 取餐/提货
    • 指顾客自行前往店内领走事先点好的餐饮,多与线上或电话预订结合。
    • A: Is my pickup ready? B: Yes, here you go.
  101. Longer brew time can change the coffee’s strength.
    • brew time (noun phrase) - 冲泡时间
    • 指咖啡或茶浸泡或萃取的时长,会影响到风味、酸度和苦味。
    • A: Why is the coffee stronger today? B: We increased the brew time a bit.
  102. This tea is extremely aromatic with floral notes.
    • aromatic (adjective) - 芳香的
    • 形容饮品或食品香气浓郁,通常让人感到愉悦或食欲大增。
    • A: How is the new blend? B: Very aromatic, I can smell the jasmine.
  103. This dark roast has a bold bg-info text-dark p-1">bold flavor.
    • bold (adjective) - 醇厚/浓烈
    • 强调咖啡或饮品的浓烈程度,口感扎实,有较重的苦味或深焙香气。
    • A: Is this coffee mild? B: No, it’s quite bold and intense.
  104. A light roast preserves more floral and fruity notes.
    • light roast (noun phrase) - 浅焙咖啡
    • 烘焙程度较浅,突出原产地风味与较高酸度,适合欣赏咖啡豆细腻香气的人。
    • A: Why is the coffee so acidic? B: It's a light roast, which tends to be brighter.
  105. Our medium roast provides a balanced flavor profile.
    • medium roast (noun phrase) - 中焙咖啡
    • 比浅焙更醇厚,但保有部分原豆特征,苦酸均衡,适合大多数人口味。
    • A: I don’t want it too bitter or too acidic. B: Try our medium roast.
  106. Dark roast beans have a smoky, bold taste.
    • dark roast (noun phrase) - 深焙咖啡
    • 烘焙程度高,苦味与焦糖香明显,酸度低,适合喜欢厚重口感的人。
    • A: This coffee tastes smoky. B: It's our dark roast blend.
  107. The barista made a beautiful heart with foam art.
    • foam art (noun phrase) - 拉花/奶泡艺术
    • 利用奶泡在咖啡表面绘制图案,如心形、叶子等,提升饮品美感。
    • A: Did you see the foam art on my latte? B: It's adorable!
  108. I always carry a thermos to keep my coffee hot.
    • thermos (noun) - 保温杯
    • 带保温功能的杯子,可长时间保持饮品温度,适合出行或外带。
    • A: Can you pour my coffee in this thermos? B: Sure, no problem.
  109. I’ll get the sandwich for takeaway.
    • takeaway (noun/adjective) - 外带/打包
    • 与to-go类似,多见于英式英语,强调顾客将餐饮带离店铺。
    • A: Are you eating here or takeaway? B: Takeaway, please.
  110. Our espresso machine is top-of-the-line and makes great shots.
    • espresso machine (noun phrase) - 浓缩咖啡机
    • 咖啡馆核心设备,通过高压热水萃取咖啡豆,制作出意式浓缩及其衍生饮品。
    • A: How do you get such rich espresso? B: It’s thanks to our high-end espresso machine.
  111. We grind our beans fresh for each cup.
    • grinder (noun) - 磨豆机
    • 将咖啡豆磨成粉的机器或工具,新鲜研磨能带来更饱满的香气与口感。
    • A: Why is the aroma so good? B: We have a high-quality grinder that keeps the beans fresh.
  112. A timer ensures consistent brewing times.
    • timer (noun) - 计时器
    • 在手冲或滴滤咖啡时测量萃取时间,以控制风味平衡。
    • A: Why use a timer for pour-over coffee? B: It helps maintain accuracy in extraction.
  113. We use scales to measure coffee grounds precisely.
    • scales (noun) - 电子秤/秤
    • 精确称量咖啡豆和水的比例,保证每次冲泡风味一致。
    • A: How do you get consistent flavor? B: We weigh the beans on scales for accuracy.
  114. Our customer service desk can handle any issue with your order.
    • customer service (noun phrase) - 顾客服务/客服
    • 店内或线上提供的服务窗口,处理投诉、换货、意见反馈等问题。
    • A: I need to change my order. B: Sure, speak with customer service.
  115. This cafe’s atmosphere is relaxing for reading or working.
    • atmosphere (noun) - 氛围/环境
    • 描述店内的装修风格、音乐、灯光和整体感受,选择咖啡馆时常考虑。
    • A: How’s the atmosphere in that cafe? B: It’s cozy and not too loud.
  116. They provide free WiFi for customers.
    • wifi (noun) - 无线网络
    • 许多咖啡馆会提供免费无线网络,方便顾客工作或上网,记得询问密码。
    • A: Do they have WiFi? B: Yes, the password is on the receipt.
  117. Look for a seat near an outlet if you need to charge your laptop.
    • outlet (noun) - 插座
    • 咖啡馆内提供的电源插口,方便顾客给手机或电脑充电,尤其适合学习或远程办公。
    • A: Is there an outlet here? B: Yes, under the table by the window.
  118. Feel free to take a seat while waiting for your coffee.
    • take a seat (phrasal verb) - 就座/坐下
    • 表示在店内选个位置坐下休息或等餐,友好礼貌用语。
    • A: Should I stay at the counter? B: You can take a seat, we’ll call your name.
  119. Enjoy your coffee and have a nice day!
    • enjoy (verb) - 享受
    • 常用于服务场景向顾客表达祝福或提醒其放松愉悦地享用餐点。
    • A: Thank you. B: Enjoy, let us know if you need anything else.

Lesson Summary

