[English 101] 晚餐计划 - 讨论烹饪与外出用餐

Dinner Plans:

Lesson Introduction

Dinner Plans


Teaching Material

  1. We usually have our main meal at 7 PM.
    • meal (noun) - 一顿饭,在此场景中指晚餐或主餐
    • 在谈论晚餐或日常三餐时,经常用到,可结合 breakfast、lunch、dinner 加以区分。
    • A: Have you had your meal? B: Not yet, I’m waiting for you.
  2. I love to cook pasta for dinner on weekends.
    • cook (verb) - 烹饪或下厨,在家制作餐食
    • 当描述自己在家做饭或邀请别人一起做菜时常用,形式简洁易懂。
    • A: Do you cook often? B: Yes, almost every evening.
  3. The chef prepared a special dish just for us.
    • chef (noun) - 主厨或专业烹饪师,亦可指烹饪熟练的人
    • 讨论餐馆大厨或称赞某人厨艺时用到,表示专业水准或高超的烹饪技能。
    • A: Who’s the chef tonight? B: My friend is an amazing cook!
  4. I found a great recipe for chicken curry online.
    • recipe (noun) - 食谱或烹饪方法
    • 当分享或寻找烹饪步骤时使用,常搭配“follow a recipe”或“try a new recipe”。
    • A: Where did you learn to make that soup? B: I followed a recipe on a cooking website.
  5. Gather all the ingredients before starting to cook.
    • ingredients (noun) - 食材或原料
    • 在购物清单或做饭前必提,用于列举所需蔬菜、肉类、调味品等。
    • A: Do we have all the ingredients for the stir-fry? B: We need more bell peppers.
  6. Heat the oil in the pan class="app-sentence-cls text-decoration-underline fw-bold bg-info text-dark p-1">panpan> before adding vegetables.
    • pan (noun) - 平底锅或炒锅
    • 烹饪时的常备炊具,用来炒、煎或做酱汁,可根据菜式选择不同材质。
    • A: Which pan should I use? B: The non-stick one is best for frying eggs.
  7. Turn off the stove when you finish cooking.
    • stove (noun) - 炉灶,用于在家加热和烹饪食物
    • 在家烹饪场景中最常用,描述开关火或调整温度时经常提到。
    • A: Is the stove turned off? B: Yes, I made sure it's off after cooking.
  8. You need to boil the noodles for 8 minutes.
    • boil (verb) - 煮沸,把水或汤煮滚
    • 在菜谱或口头叮嘱中,当食材需在热水中烹煮时使用,简单常用的烹饪手法。
    • A: How do I prepare the pasta? B: First, boil some water and add salt.
  9. I prefer to fry the fish with minimal oil.
    • fry (verb) - 油煎或油炸
    • 在家做油炸或煎类食物时常提到,注意油温和安全。可加 deep-fry 表示油炸。
    • A: Should we fry or bake the chicken? B: Let’s fry it for a crispy texture.
  10. We’ll bake some cookies for dessert.
    • bake (verb) - 烘焙或焗烤,一般指使用烤箱
    • 在制作蛋糕、面包或焗类菜肴时用的动词,需要烤箱等设备完成。
    • A: Do you like to bake bread? B: Yes, I love that fresh-out-of-the-oven smell.
  11. We love to grill steaks in the backyard.
    • grill (verb) - 烧烤,在烤架上或明火上烤制
    • 户外烧烤或使用烤架的常见方法,可提升烟熏风味。注意火候和翻面。
    • A: How should we cook the chicken? B: Let’s grill it outdoors this evening.
  12. Add some seasoning to enhance the flavor.
    • seasoning (noun) - 调味料或佐料,如盐、胡椒等
    • 做饭时用于提升口感,多指盐、胡椒、香草、酱料等,需要适量以免过咸或过淡。
    • A: Do we need more seasoning? B: A pinch of salt and pepper should do.
  13. Don’t add too much salt; it can ruin the dish.
    • salt (noun) - 盐,常见调味品
    • 最基础调味料之一,注意用量,过量可导致健康隐患。可用来表达口味偏好。
    • A: This soup is bland. B: You can add a little salt to boost the taste.
  14. Sprinkle some black pepper for a spicy kick.
    • pepper (noun) - 胡椒,常见调味品
    • 烹饪或上菜后添加增香增辣,常见于西式料理。可分黑胡椒或白胡椒。
    • A: Do you like pepper on your steak? B: Absolutely, it brings out the flavor.
  15. Garlic adds a nice aroma to stir-fries.
    • garlic (noun) - 大蒜,常见香料蔬菜
    • 常用于中西式料理提味。搭配葱姜炒香,可令菜肴更加美味。
    • A: Should I use fresh garlic? B: Yes, it gives a richer taste than garlic powder.
  16. Sauté the onion before adding the meat.
    • onion (noun) - 洋葱,常见食材
    • 可炒、煎、炖等,能增添甜味和鲜味,也可生食或腌制。注意切洋葱会刺激眼睛。
    • A: Do we have onions for the sauce? B: Yes, there's one in the fridge.
  17. Chop the carrots into small cubes.
    • chop (verb) - 切块或剁碎
    • 切菜动词,用于制作沙拉或炒菜时。可搭配 dicing、mincing 等表示更具体切法。
    • A: How fine should I chop the vegetables? B: Medium-sized pieces work fine.
  18. Please slice the tomatoes for the salad.
    • slice (verb) - 切片,通常指薄片
    • 在做三明治或沙拉时常用。也可作名词“a slice of bread”。
    • A: Do you want the cucumbers in chunks? B: Slice them thinly, please.
  19. Stir the soup gently to avoid spilling.
    • stir (verb) - 搅拌,将食材或酱汁均匀混合
    • 烹饪酱料、汤或调味时常需要,不断搅动以防糊锅或分层。
    • A: Do I stir the sauce continuously? B: Yes, keep stirring until it thickens.
  20. Let’s try that new Italian restaurant for dinner.
    • restaurant (noun) - 餐馆,外出用餐场所
    • 外出聚餐、约会或家庭庆祝常选择。可细分 fast food、fine dining 等。
    • A: Where do you want to eat tonight? B: Let's go to a local restaurant with good reviews.
  21. I made a reservation for two at 8 PM.
    • reservation (noun) - 预订,尤其在餐厅订位
    • 热门餐厅或用餐高峰时必备,可电话或线上预订。说明人数、时间和特殊要求。
    • A: Should we make a reservation? B: Yes, it’s usually crowded at dinner time.
  22. I always check the menu before deciding where to eat.
    • menu (noun) - 菜单,列出餐厅可供选择的菜品或套餐
    • 在餐厅点餐时会查看,选定想要的菜品,常有前菜、主菜、甜点等分类。
    • A: May I see the menu? B: Sure, here you go.
  23. We ordered a salad as an appetizer.
    • appetizer (noun) - 开胃菜,用餐前的小吃或沙拉
    • 常在西式餐厅看到,帮助唤醒食欲,选择轻盈不太饱腹的食物。
    • A: Should we get an appetizer? B: Yeah, maybe some bruschetta to start.
    • starter - 和 appetizer 同义,多在英式菜单上见到,用于正式或多道菜的用餐顺序。
  24. For the main course, I’ll have the steak.
    • main course (noun) - 主菜或主食,在西式或正式餐中最主要的一道
    • 在西餐或多道菜时指核心餐点,一般分量最大、最具分量。
    • A: What’s your favorite main course? B: I love grilled salmon.
  25. We’ll share a chocolate cake for dessert.
    • dessert (noun) - 甜点,餐后或饭后享用的甜品
    • 丰富用餐体验,可是蛋糕、水果、冰激凌等。适度享用以控制糖分。
    • A: Do you want dessert? B: Yes, let’s get some ice cream.
  26. French fries make a great side dish for burgers.
    • side dish (noun) - 配菜,主菜之外的附加菜品
    • 多为主菜辅佐,如沙拉、薯条、蔬菜等,增添营养或口感层次。
    • A: Would you like a side dish? B: Yes, I’ll take mashed potatoes.
  27. What beverage would you like with dinner?
    • beverage (noun) - 饮料,可指任何不含酒精或含酒精的饮品
    • 涵盖水、果汁、碳酸饮料、咖啡、酒等。在菜单上也分 non-alcoholic / alcoholic。
    • A: Do you prefer tea or soda? B: I’ll have tea as my beverage.
  28. Could we get the bill, please?
    • bill (noun) - 账单,吃完在餐厅结账时使用
    • 用餐结束向服务生索取,英式用法常是“bill”,美式常说“check”。
    • A: I’m finished. B: Let’s ask for the bill.
    • check - 在美国多用“check”指餐费账单。与“bill”意思相同,只是区域差异。
  29. That hotel has a lavish dinner buffet on weekends.
    • buffet (noun) - 自助餐,可随意取餐品种多
    • 价格通常固定,能随意吃各类菜品。适合想品尝多种口味或团体聚餐。
    • A: Should we do a buffet tonight? B: Yes, I love the variety.
  30. He has a peanut allergy, so avoid nuts in the dish.
    • allergy (noun) - 过敏,指对特定食材或物质不耐受
    • 点餐或在家做饭时要特别注意,以免危害健康。可告知服务员或主动回避。
    • A: Any allergies I should know about? B: I’m allergic to shellfish.
  31. She follows a gluten-free diet for health reasons.
    • gluten-free (adjective) - 无麸质的,避免面筋蛋白
    • 适合对麸质敏感或有特殊饮食需求的人,通常标注在菜单或包装上。
    • A: Do they have gluten-free options? B: Yes, there’s a separate menu for that.
  32. He only eats vegan meals, free of eggs and dairy.
    • vegan (adjective / noun) - 纯素者或纯素食的,不含任何动物制品
    • 强调无任何动物性食材,包括奶蛋蜂蜜等。餐厅通常会标示 vegan 选项。
    • A: Is there a vegan choice on the menu? B: Yes, we have a tofu stir-fry.
  33. A vegetarian diet excludes meat but may include dairy.
    • vegetarian (adjective / noun) - 素食者或素食的,不含肉类
    • 与 vegan 不同,vegetarian 可以吃奶蛋,但不吃肉类或海鲜。常见菜单有标注。
    • A: Are you vegetarian? B: Yes, I don’t eat meat or fish.
  34. We have a reservation under Johnson at 7 PM.
    • reservation under (phrase) - 以……的名义预订
    • 在前台或电话订位确认身份时使用,告知服务员订位登记的姓名。
    • A: Name, please? B: Reservation under Emily, table for four.
  35. We’d like a table for two by the window.
    • table for two (phrase) - 两人桌
    • 最常见的订位句式,也可改数字,如 table for four,如果多人用餐。
    • A: Table for how many? B: A table for two, please.
  36. The waiter recommended the house special.
    • waiter (noun) - 男服务员,提供点餐、上菜服务
    • 在餐厅中专门招待顾客的工作人员。有时也用 server 做更中性称呼。
    • A: Should I call the waiter? B: Yes, we’re ready to order.
    • server - 更包含中性和多场合使用,与 waiter / waitress 同意,但更符合现代礼仪。
  37. The waitress brought our drinks promptly.
    • waitress (noun) - 女服务员,提供点餐、上菜服务
    • 与 waiter 对应,通常指女性服务员。也可用 server 作更普遍称法。
    • A: Excuse me, can we speak to the waitress? B: Sure, I’ll wave her over.
  38. Today’s special includes a seafood pasta.
    • special (noun) - 特餐或特色菜,餐厅推荐的特别菜式
    • 通常为当日推荐或季节限定,价格与内容在菜单或由服务员口头告知。
    • A: What’s the daily special? B: It’s grilled salmon with lemon sauce.
  39. I have a big appetite tonight; I’m starving.
    • appetite (noun) - 食欲或胃口
    • 形容对进食的欲望,可大可小。谈论自己的“good appetite”表示想吃许多。
    • A: Are you hungry? B: Yes, I’ve worked all day, so my appetite is huge.
  40. We can reheat yesterday’s leftovers for dinner.
    • leftovers (noun) - 剩菜,吃剩下的食物
    • 可保存于冰箱、微波加热再吃,节省烹饪时间,也避免浪费。
    • A: Should we cook something new? B: We still have leftovers from last night.
  41. I couldn’t finish my pasta, so I asked for a doggy bag.
    • doggy bag (noun) - 打包袋或打包盒,将剩菜打包带走
    • 英美常见用法,在餐厅吃不完时让服务员帮忙打包带回。
    • A: Do you want a doggy bag for the leftovers? B: Yes, please. I'll have them for lunch tomorrow.
  42. We ordered Chinese takeaway because we were too tired to cook.
    • takeaway (noun) - 外卖,打包带走或订餐外送
    • 在英式英语中常用,指外卖或打包;美式多用 “takeout” 表示相同含义。
    • A: Are you cooking tonight? B: Let’s do takeaway; I’m too busy.
    • takeout - 与 takeaway 同理,只是地区用法区别。在美国多见此说法。
  43. The portion sizes here are huge, so be careful what you order.
    • portion (noun) - 份量或份额,一道菜的大小或数量
    • 在餐厅评价菜量或对比“small portion / large portion”。可影响点餐数量。
    • A: Should we order appetizers too? B: The portions are big, so let's just share one main.
  44. This dish has a unique spicy flavor.
    • flavor (noun) - 风味或口味
    • 描述食物的整体口感,包含香甜、辣、酸等多种风味,可与taste互换。
    • A: How’s the soup? B: Great flavor, I love the herbs they used.
  45. I love the taste of homemade pizza.
    • taste (noun / verb) - 味道,尝到的口感或体验
    • 也可作动词“to taste”,指品尝或试吃,用于菜品评价时最常见。
    • A: Does it taste good? B: It’s delicious; you should try it.
  46. The aroma of freshly baked bread is irresistible.
    • aroma (noun) - 香气或芬芳,多指烹饪或餐桌上的香味
    • 强调香味浓郁,引发食欲,多形容咖啡、烘焙食品或香料类菜肴。
    • A: What smells so good? B: That’s the aroma from the oven.
  47. Make sure the seafood is fresh before cooking.
    • fresh (adjective) - 新鲜的,食材或成品的质量
    • 强调食材和口感品质,有助于提升菜肴风味。可搭配“locally sourced”或“organic”。
    • A: Are these vegetables fresh? B: Yes, I just bought them this morning.
  48. Organic vegetables can be pricier but often taste better.
    • organic (adjective) - 有机的,不使用化学肥料或农药
    • 对健康和环境友好,有机食品一般价格较高,在菜单或超市常见专门标识。
    • A: Do you prefer organic produce? B: Yes, I like to avoid pesticides.
  49. We prefer using seasonal fruits for maximum flavor.
    • seasonal (adjective) - 应季的,根据季节供应的食材
    • 随季节变化而产量与风味不同的食物,多数餐厅会标注“seasonal special”。
    • A: Why no strawberries now? B: They’re not in season, so we can’t get them fresh.
  50. Marinate the chicken overnight for better flavor.
    • marinate (verb) - 腌制或浸泡在酱汁中以入味
    • 做烧烤或煎炒前,先让肉类吸收酱汁,会更鲜嫩可口。
    • A: Why is this meat so tender? B: I marinated it in soy sauce for hours.
  51. Knead the dough until it’s smooth and elastic.
    • knead (verb) - 揉面团或捏和材料,常在烘焙时使用
    • 制作面包、披萨、饺子皮等需揉面,力度和时长会影响口感。
    • A: How do you make homemade pizza crust? B: You knead the dough for about 10 minutes.
  52. Mix the salad ingredients with the dressing.
    • mix (verb) - 混合,将不同食材或调料搅拌在一起
    • 适合各种酱料、沙拉、面糊等烹饪场景,让食材均匀融合。
    • A: Should I mix the sauce now? B: Yes, combine everything in a bowl.
  53. Don’t forget to preheat the oven to 180°C.
    • preheat (verb) - 预热烤箱或器具,使其提前达到所需温度
    • 烘焙前必不可少的步骤,确保温度稳定,烘烤效果更佳。
    • A: Why does my cake not rise? B: Maybe you didn't preheat the oven properly.
  54. Place all the ingredients on the counter.
    • counter (noun) - 厨房台面或操作台
    • 在家中做饭时常用,指摆放食材或进行切菜操作的台面。
    • A: Where should I put these vegetables? B: Just set them on the counter for now.
  55. We need more utensils for our guests.
    • utensils (noun) - 餐具或厨房用具,如勺子、叉子、铲子等
    • 包括 cooking utensils(锅铲、搅拌勺)与 eating utensils(刀叉、筷子),用法广泛。
    • A: Did you bring the utensils for the picnic? B: Yes, I packed forks, spoons, and knives.
  56. Use a sharp knife to slice the meat evenly.
    • knife (noun) - 刀,厨房切菜或餐桌上切割食物的工具
    • 烹饪时必备工具,也可在餐桌上用作切食物。要注意安全与锋利度。
    • A: Where’s the chef’s knife? B: In the top drawer, be careful with it.
  57. Stir the soup with a wooden spoon.
    • spoon (noun) - 勺子或汤勺,用于盛汤或舀食物
    • 分 teaspoon、tablespoon 等规格大小,烹饪量取或餐桌食用都离不开。
    • A: Do you need a spoon for your dessert? B: Yes, a small one would be perfect.
  58. Use a fork to test if the potatoes are soft.
    • fork (noun) - 叉子,用于叉起或固定食物
    • 西餐常用餐具,可选用来进食或在烹饪中帮助检查食材熟度。
    • A: Would you like chopsticks or a fork? B: A fork, please; I'm more comfortable with it.
  59. Most Western meals are eaten with a knife and fork.
    • knife and fork (phrase) - 刀叉,西餐常用搭配
    • 西式用餐基础组合,有时搭配 spoon 或其他餐具,一起出现在正式场合。
    • A: Should I use chopsticks or knife and fork? B: This dish is easier with a knife and fork.
  60. Indian cuisine often uses a variety of spices.
    • spices (noun) - 香料,多指干燥的调味品,如辣椒粉、孜然等
    • 不同地区有不同特色香料,烹饪中加入可赋予鲜明风味。
    • A: Why is this dish so fragrant? B: They used a unique blend of spices.
  61. Let’s brew some fresh coffee before dessert.
    • brew (verb) - 冲泡或酿制,用于咖啡、茶或啤酒等
    • 饮品相关,可表示冲泡茶叶或咖啡,或酿酒等。搭配 brew coffee, brew tea 常见。
    • A: Do you want tea? B: Sure, let me brew a pot right now.
  62. My taste buds love spicy food.
    • taste buds (noun) - 味蕾,感知味道的器官
    • 描述口味喜好或差异时常用,如“I have sensitive taste buds”。
    • A: Why do some people prefer sweeter dishes? B: Everyone’s taste buds are different.
  63. We bought a new utensil set for hosting dinner parties.
    • utensil set (noun) - 成套餐具,如刀、叉、勺子组合
    • 适合多人口或客人来访时使用,整套风格统一,也便于整理存放。
    • A: Do we have enough forks? B: Yes, I just bought a 12-piece utensil set.
  64. Always do a taste test before serving.
    • taste test (noun phrase) - 试味,品尝食物或饮料以检测味道是否合适
    • 烹饪时关键步骤,确保菜品调味正确。也可在研发新菜时多次测试。
    • A: Should I add more salt? B: Give it a quick taste test first.
  65. The chef’s recommendation is the grilled lamb tonight.
    • chef’s recommendation (noun phrase) - 主厨推荐菜品或特别推荐
    • 在餐厅无法选择或想尝鲜时询问服务生或看菜单上的主厨推荐。
    • A: I can’t decide what to eat. B: How about the chef’s recommendation?
  66. I love watching the open kitchen while waiting for my meal.
    • open kitchen (noun phrase) - 开放式厨房,可见厨师制作过程
    • 部分现代餐厅特色设计,让顾客观赏烹饪过程并营造互动体验。
    • A: This restaurant has an open kitchen. B: Cool, we can see how they cook!
  67. Counter seating is fun because you can chat with the chef.
    • counter seating (noun phrase) - 吧台式座位,面对厨台或料理操作区
    • 有时在日本料理店或西式餐厅出现,空间紧凑但能近距离观赏料理。
    • A: Do we want a table or counter seating? B: Let’s try the counter to watch them cook.
  68. Use high heat for stir-frying quickly.
    • high heat (noun phrase) - 高火或大火,烹饪时温度较高
    • 对于快炒或爆炒等菜式适用,需不断翻炒以防烧焦。
    • A: How hot should the wok be? B: Very hot—high heat is needed for a good stir-fry.
  69. I like to slow-cook beef stew for a tender texture.
    • slow-cook (verb) - 慢煮,低温或小火长时间炖煮
    • 通过低温慢炖让食材入味且口感软烂,如炖汤、焖肉等。
    • A: Why does it take so long? B: We slow-cook the meat to make it really tender.
  70. This marinade has soy sauce, garlic, and a bit of honey.
    • marinade (noun) - 腌汁,腌制时所用酱料混合
    • 调好酱汁后浸泡肉类或蔬菜增加风味。主要成分通常含酸味、盐味等。
    • A: Why is the chicken so flavorful? B: The marinade did the trick.
  71. I had a cheese omelet for dinner when I was short on time.
    • omelet (noun) - 煎蛋卷或蛋饼,常见早餐或简餐
    • 基本蛋料理,可加蔬菜、肉末、芝士等,准备迅速又好吃。
    • A: Any quick dinner ideas? B: An omelet is simple and tasty.
  72. Mexican cuisine is known for its bold flavors.
    • cuisine (noun) - 烹饪风格或菜系,如中餐、西餐等
    • 在讨论不同国家或地区的烹饪特色时常用,如Italian cuisine、Chinese cuisine
    • A: What cuisine are you craving? B: I’m in the mood for Thai food.
  73. We’ll serve the soup as the first course.
    • course (noun) - 一道菜或一轮菜式,多道菜中的一个阶段
    • 正式西餐或宴会中常分多道菜,每一 course 都有特定主题或内容。
    • A: How many courses are in this meal? B: We have three: starter, main, and dessert.
  74. We found a cozy bistro for dinner last night.
    • bistro (noun) - 小餐馆或小酒馆,通常环境轻松
    • 规模较小、氛围随意的餐厅,特色在于简洁菜单与家常风味。
    • A: Any suggestions for a casual place to eat? B: There’s a new bistro down the street.
  75. For our anniversary, we chose a fine dining restaurant.
    • fine dining (phrase) - 高级餐厅用餐,正式且高档的用餐体验
    • 更讲究礼仪、摆盘、氛围,价格相对昂贵,适合庆祝或商务宴请。
    • A: Where are we celebrating your promotion? B: Let’s do fine dining for a special treat.
  76. We opted for casual dining because we wanted a relaxed atmosphere.
    • casual dining (phrase) - 休闲餐厅,介于快餐和高级餐厅之间
    • 菜品多样、环境轻松,价格中等,适合家庭、朋友聚会的常见选择。
    • A: Should we go fancy? B: Let’s do casual dining; we can dress comfortably.
  77. Fast food is convenient but not always healthy.
    • fast food (noun phrase) - 快餐或速食,一般较便宜,出餐迅速
    • 适合赶时间或预算有限时,注意营养均衡,不宜长期过多摄入。
    • A: Running late for dinner. B: Let’s grab some fast food on the way.
  78. There’s a taco food truck near our office.
    • food truck (noun) - 餐车,街头流动售卖食物
    • 通常供应特色小食或单品,用餐体验随意,能尝试新奇口味,位置灵活。
    • A: Where can we find quick bites? B: Let’s check the food truck by the park.
  79. We decided to dine in instead of getting takeout.
    • Dine-in (verb phrase / adjective) - 堂食,在餐厅内用餐
    • 相对外卖而言,可享受餐厅环境与服务。适合休闲或聚会。
    • A: Do you want to dine in or pick up? B: Let's dine in and enjoy the ambiance.
  80. He’s a picky eater who dislikes most vegetables.
    • picky eater (noun phrase) - 挑食的人,对食物口味或种类要求高
    • 描述对特定食材或口感较严格的人,在安排晚餐选择时需多考虑。
    • A: My son is such a picky eater. B: Try adding cheese to make veggies tastier.
  81. I have a craving for spicy noodles tonight.
    • craving (noun) - 强烈想吃某种食物
    • 当表示对某种口味或食物心心念念时使用,指强烈食欲或想法。
    • A: Any dinner ideas? B: I’m craving sushi right now.
  82. I prefer a light dinner on weekdays.
    • light dinner (phrase) - 清淡的晚餐,不吃太油腻或分量很小
    • 适合不想摄入过多卡路里或消化负担大时,常用沙拉、汤品等。
    • A: Want pizza tonight? B: I’m thinking of having a light dinner, maybe soup or salad.
  83. A heavy meal at night might affect your sleep.
    • heavy meal (phrase) - 大餐或高热量、高分量餐
    • 分量足或油腻较高,通常晚间不宜过多,但聚餐或某些庆祝场合常见。
    • A: Let’s have a steak dinner. B: That’s quite a heavy meal, but okay!
  84. Good table manners are important in formal dinners.
    • table manners (noun) - 餐桌礼仪,用餐时的行为规范
    • 在正式场合要注意如使用餐巾、别出声吃等基本礼仪。家庭环境也可培养。
    • A: Am I holding my fork correctly? B: Don’t worry too much; your table manners are fine.
  85. They served a five-course meal at the fancy restaurant.
    • course meal (noun phrase) - 多道菜的正餐,如三道或五道菜式
    • 在西式或高级餐厅常见,一道道依次呈上,有固定顺序与丰富体验。
    • A: Is it a buffet style? B: No, it’s a course meal with starter, soup, main, dessert, and coffee.
  86. His palate is quite refined; he can detect subtle flavors.
    • palate (noun) - 味觉或对食物的鉴赏力,也指上颚
    • 常用于美食评论或形容口味挑剔程度,可联系“developing a sophisticated palate”。
    • A: Do you think it’s too spicy? B: It depends on your palate, but I like it.
  87. The aromatic herbs really elevate the dish.
    • aromatic (adjective) - 芳香的,指烹饪或食材散发浓郁香气
    • 比“fragrant”更正式,用于描述食物的扑鼻香味或烹饪使用香料的效果。
    • A: Why does the kitchen smell so good? B: I used some aromatic spices.
  88. This stew has a creamy texture, which I love.
    • texture (noun) - 口感或质地,描述食物咀嚼时的感觉
    • 在美食评价里重要指标,形容柔软、脆、滑嫩等。可与“taste”一起探讨。
    • A: Is that bread too chewy? B: No, the texture is perfect—crispy outside, soft inside.
  89. I prefer savory foods like steak over sweet desserts.
    • savory (adjective) - 咸味或鲜味,非甜味
    • 与甜味相对,形容菜肴有咸鲜感或浓郁调味,不含甜度。
    • A: Do you like sweet or savory crepes? B: Savory for dinner, definitely.
  90. We’ll host a small dinner party at our place.
    • host (verb / noun) - 宴请或作为主人招待,招呼宾客
    • 在家中请客时用此表述,也可指派对或聚餐的召集者。
    • A: Who’s hosting dinner tonight? B: I am; you’re all welcome at 7 PM.
  91. We raised our glasses for a birthday toast.
    • toast (noun / verb) - 敬酒或祝酒词,也指烤面包
    • 庆祝或仪式场合常见,碰杯致意说些祝福话;做早餐烤面包时也称 toast
    • A: Shall we propose a toast? B: Yes, to good friends and great meals!
  92. Let’s light some candles to set the mood.
    • candles (noun) - 蜡烛,用于营造浪漫或温馨晚餐氛围
    • 烛光晚餐的标配,在浪漫聚餐或特别场合增添情调。
    • A: It’s our anniversary dinner. B: Great, I’ll prepare candles and dim the lights.
  93. The fancy restaurant sets very elegant cutlery on the table.
    • cutlery (noun) - 刀叉勺等金属餐具的总称,英式常用
    • 与 utensil 类似,更常在英式英语或正式场合出现,泛指所有金属餐具。
    • A: Do we have enough cutlery for the guests? B: Yes, we bought extra sets.
  94. Place the napkin on your lap during a formal dinner.
    • napkin (noun) - 餐巾或纸巾,用于擦拭或铺于腿上
    • 在正式用餐时,布餐巾贴腿可防食物弄脏衣物。随时保持礼貌整洁。
    • A: Can I get a napkin? B: Sure, here’s a fresh one.
  95. Would you like a refill on your soda?
    • refill (noun / verb) - 续杯或重新添加饮料
    • 用作名词或动词。常见于饮料无限续杯或服务生询问你是否需要更多。
    • A: This water glass is empty. B: Let me ask for a refill.
  96. We all said ‘Cheers!’ before drinking.
    • cheers (exclamation) - 干杯或祝酒时说的话,也可作感谢
    • 在聚餐、庆祝或饮酒时表达开心或祝福。英式中也常作“谢谢”口语用法。
    • A: Shall we toast? B: Yes, cheers to our success!
  97. We booked the chef’s table for an exclusive experience.
    • chef’s table (noun) - 主厨桌,餐厅内可观赏厨师现场料理的专门座位
    • 高档餐厅提供的特色座位,与主厨互动或欣赏烹饪过程,往往需提前预约。
    • A: Is there a special seat in this restaurant? B: Yes, they have a chef’s table near the kitchen.
  98. The house specialty here is spicy seafood pasta.
    • house specialty (noun) - 招牌菜或本店特色
    • 菜单或服务员可能推荐本店最擅长或最出名的一道菜,通常不会踩雷。
    • A: Not sure what to order. B: Try the house specialty; it’s what they do best.
  99. Pour some gravy over the mashed potatoes.
    • gravy (noun) - 肉汁或酱汁,常淋在肉类或马铃薯上
    • 西式料理常见,用肉汁加香料或蔬菜熬制,提升口感与多汁度。
    • A: What’s that sauce? B: It’s gravy made from roast drippings.
  100. I like my steak medium-rare for a juicy center.
    • medium-rare (adjective) - 牛排五成熟,外熟内带粉红
    • 西式牛排常见熟度选项,五分熟外表固定,中心仍保留粉色与嫩度。
    • A: How do you want your steak cooked? B: Medium-rare, please.
  101. He prefers his steak well-done, no pink inside.
    • well-done (adjective) - 全熟或熟透,常指牛排或肉类完全煮透
    • 与 rare、medium 等区分,口感较扎实。个人喜好不同,注意说明。
    • A: Rare or well-done? B: Definitely well-done; I don’t like pink meat.
  102. We served apple turnovers for dessert.
    • turnover (noun) - 半封闭的烘焙点心或馅饼,如苹果派口袋等
    • 甜或咸口都可,常见于烘焙屋或咖啡店,当零食或饭后甜点。
    • A: Do you like sweet pastries? B: Yes, fruit turnovers are my favorite.
  103. Let me carve the roast turkey at the table.
    • carve (verb) - 切割大块肉类,通常在烤好后分片
    • 适用在烤鸡、火鸡或整块肉类上,仪式感强。注意刀具锋利度。
    • A: Should we carve the chicken now? B: Yes, pass me the carving knife.
  104. Sprinkle chopped parsley as a garnish.
    • garnish (noun / verb) - 装饰或点缀食物的配料或摆盘
    • 增添色彩与美感,也带来部分风味,如香草、柠檬片、奶油花等。
    • A: Why does the plate look so fancy? B: They added a garnish of fresh herbs.
  105. We need a starch for this meal—maybe rice or pasta.
    • starch (noun) - 淀粉类食物,如米饭、面条、土豆等
    • 基础主食,提供碳水化合物。选择种类看个人口味及搭配菜式。
    • A: What goes with the chicken? B: Let’s pick a starch like mashed potatoes.
  106. Her pancakes are always so fluffy and light.
    • fluffy (adjective) - 蓬松的,多指面包、米饭或蛋糕口感
    • 形容轻盈柔软的质感,在烘焙或蒸煮主食时尤其常用。
    • A: How do you like your rice? B: Soft and fluffy, not sticky.
  107. Grease the pan before pouring the batter.
    • grease (verb / noun) - 给烤盘或锅涂油,或指油脂本身
    • 在烘焙前涂油防粘,也可指烹饪时自然渗出的油脂。
    • A: Why did the cake stick? B: You forgot to grease the baking pan.
  108. Julienne the carrots for a neat presentation.
    • julienne (verb) - 切丝,将蔬菜等切成细条状
    • 专业烹饪切法,让配菜呈细长条,美观也易熟,常用于法式或精致料理。
    • A: How should I cut the peppers? B: Let’s julienne them for the salad.
  109. I’ll spread a nice tablecloth for our dinner party.
    • tablecloth (noun) - 桌布,用于覆盖餐桌,保持整洁或装饰
    • 可保护桌面,也增加摆设氛围,在较正式或有仪式感的场合使用频繁。
    • A: Should we use a tablecloth tonight? B: Yes, it looks more formal with one.
  110. We served the dishes family-style so everyone could share.
    • family-style (adjective) - 家常式分享餐,将大盘菜分给各人
    • 适合家庭或朋友聚餐,大家共同享用一大份食物,增进互动与便利。
    • A: Should we plate individually? B: No, let’s do it family-style. It’s more fun.
  111. We ordered a seafood platter to share among four people.
    • platter (noun) - 大拼盘或盛器,用来摆放多种食材
    • 大型平盘或托盘,常用于拼盘类菜肴。分享或派对场合最常见。
    • A: What’s that huge dish? B: It’s a platter of assorted appetizers.
  112. The plating made the dish look very appetizing.
    • appetizing (adjective) - 让人有食欲的,形容菜肴外观或香味诱人
    • 描述食物外观、香气或整体感官吸引力,激发人们想品尝的欲望。
    • A: Is that appetizing enough? B: Yes, I can’t wait to dig in!
  113. That creamy sauce is quite high-calorie.
    • high-calorie (adjective) - 高热量的,通常指含脂肪或糖分较多
    • 在考虑饮食健康或减肥时需注意,选择时可做适量控制。
    • A: Should we share dessert? B: Good idea; it's pretty high-calorie.
  114. Melt the butter before adding to the batter.
    • melt (verb) - 融化,将固体加热变为液体
    • 烹饪起司或黄油时常涉及,需注意火候,以免烧焦或分离。
    • A: Why is the cheese so stringy? B: It started to melt under the heat.
  115. They served the sauce in a gravy boat.
    • gravy boat (noun) - 盛放肉汁或酱料的专用小壶
    • 西餐中常见,让顾客自行淋酱料,外形像小壶,方便倒出汁液。
    • A: Where’s the gravy for the turkey? B: It's in the gravy boat by the centerpiece.
  116. Use a palette knife to spread the frosting evenly.
    • palette knife (noun) - 抹刀,烘焙或抹酱时的平头刀
    • 尤其做蛋糕裱花或巧克力酱涂抹时,用于均匀整理表面。
    • A: How do you get such a smooth finish on the cake? B: A palette knife helps a lot.
  117. He graduated from culinary school and now works at a top restaurant.
    • culinary school (noun phrase) - 烹饪学校,系统学习烹饪技能的地方
    • 想成为专业厨师或进阶厨艺者的求学场所,也可用于兴趣学习。
    • A: Where did you learn to cook? B: I took a few classes at culinary school.
  118. That cafe offers counter service only—no waiters.
    • counter service (noun phrase) - 柜台点餐服务,顾客在柜台下单自取
    • 快餐店或小型餐馆常见模式,减少人力成本,顾客自助。
    • A: Do they have table service? B: No, it's counter service: you order at the front.
  119. Take a sip of wine before you taste the steak.
    • sip (verb / noun) - 小口喝或啜饮
    • 表述优雅或轻轻饮用的动作,特别适合品尝咖啡、茶或酒。
    • A: How’s your drink? B: Let me take a sip… it’s refreshing!
  120. They prepared a lovely spread of appetizers and dips.
    • spread (verb / noun) - 涂抹或酱料,亦可指摆在桌上的一系列食物
    • 动词表示涂酱;名词则可指摆在桌上的丰富菜品整体。
    • A: That’s a big dinner spread! B: Yeah, plenty of dishes to enjoy.
  121. Chill the dessert for at least two hours before serving.
    • chill (verb) - 冷却或冰镇,用于饮品或甜点
    • 部分甜点、沙拉或酒类需要事先冷藏,温度合适时口感最佳。
    • A: Should I put the soda in the freezer? B: Yes, to chill it faster.
  122. The spiciness level is medium, so it’s not too hot.
    • spiciness (noun) - 辣度,指食物的辣椒含量或口感
    • 可做 mild、medium、hot 等描述。点菜时常见选项,尊重个人耐辣度。
    • A: How’s the spiciness on this curry? B: Quite mild, you’ll be fine.
  123. I prefer a simple vinaigrette dressing on my salad.
    • dressing (noun) - 沙拉酱或调味汁,淋在沙拉表面
    • 沙拉常用,种类多如千岛、凯撒、油醋等,可自行选择搭配。
    • A: Which dressing do you want? B: Caesar dressing, please.
  124. I love mushroom sauce on my pasta.
    • mushroom (noun) - 蘑菇,多用于煎、炒、汤或披萨配料
    • 常见且风味鲜美,可切片炒或做酱料。注意烹饪时先清洗干净。
    • A: Any preference for toppings? B: Mushrooms and onions, please.
  125. Steam the broccoli to keep its nutrients.
    • steam (verb) - 蒸,利用水蒸气加热烹饪
    • 相对健康的烹饪方式,保留营养和鲜美,常用在蔬菜、鱼等。
    • A: How do I cook these dumplings? B: You can steam them for about 10 minutes.
  126. A red wine pairing goes well with steak.
    • pairing (noun) - 食物或酒的搭配,指配合的组合
    • 餐酒搭配或菜品组合,提升整体风味;常见于西餐或品酒场合。
    • A: What’s a good drink pairing for pasta? B: White wine or sparkling water is nice.
  127. That small café feels really cozy for a dinner date.
    • cozy (adjective) - 温馨的或舒适的,多形容餐厅氛围
    • 用来描述环境氛围,小巧温暖亲切的空间,适合浪漫或放松用餐。
    • A: Any suggestions for a relaxed dinner spot? B: There’s a cozy Italian place downtown.
  128. The restaurant was packed, so we had to wait 30 minutes.
    • packed (adjective) - 拥挤或客满,指餐厅爆满
    • 用餐高峰常见情况,建议订位或避开时段,避免长时间排队。
    • A: Should we try that new place? B: It’s Friday night, it might be packed.
  129. Could you bring me a to-go box? I can’t finish this pizza.
    • to-go box (noun) - 外带盒或打包盒,用于将未吃完的食物带走
    • 与 doggy bag 同理,但更通用于打包剩食,餐厅常备此类包装。
    • A: We have a lot left. B: Let’s ask for a to-go box.
  130. In many countries, it’s customary to leave tips at restaurants.
    • tips (noun) - 小费,给服务生等的额外报酬
    • 部分国家或地区用餐后需付小费,数额随服务质量或当地习惯。
    • A: How much should we tip? B: Usually about 15-20% of the bill.
  131. Let’s split the bill if you’re okay with that.
    • split the bill (phrase) - AA制,各自分摊餐费
    • 朋友或同事聚餐常见,减少纠纷或不均,可参考总额平均分或按点单分。
    • A: Should we split the bill or pay separately? B: Splitting is fair, I think.
  132. Some restaurants have a strict reservation policy.
    • reservation policy (noun phrase) - 预订规定,如取消、迟到或订金等规则
    • 个别餐厅要求信用卡担保,迟到或未到需付费。提前了解政策,遵守礼仪。
    • A: Why did they ask for a credit card? B: Their reservation policy might charge if you no-show.
  133. Expect a long wait during peak hours.
    • peak hours (noun phrase) - 高峰时段,餐厅最繁忙的用餐时间
    • 通常指晚餐 6-8 点,或周末黄金时间,需提前预约或避开时段。
    • A: Why is it so crowded at 7 PM? B: That’s peak hours for dinner.
  134. It’s just a drop-in kind of place; no reservations needed.
    • drop-in (adjective) - 无需预订,随时上门用餐
    • 与需要预订的餐厅相对,顾客可随到随吃,适合临时决定的聚餐。
    • A: Should we call ahead? B: No, it's drop-in only, so let's just go.
  135. The chef asked for our feedback on the new dish.
    • feedback (noun) - 反馈或意见,常指对菜品或服务的评价
    • 适用于餐后评价、问卷或口头告知,帮助餐厅改进或确认满意度。
    • A: How was your meal? B: It was great; I gave positive feedback.
  136. Nothing beats a warm home-cooked meal.
    • home-cooked (adjective) - 家常做的、自己烹饪的
    • 表述在家里自己动手做的饭菜,更强调温馨、健康或个人风格。
    • A: Do you dine out often? B: Not really, I prefer home-cooked food.
  137. Add one spoonful of sugar to balance the taste.
    • spoonful (noun) - 一勺的量,用于糖、酱料或调味
    • 形容小份量,适用烹饪或调味过程,控制用量精确度。
    • A: How much chili sauce do I add? B: Just half a spoonful, or it’ll be too spicy.
  138. Those flowers on the salad are edible.
    • edible (adjective) - 可食用的,不会对人体造成伤害
    • 特别提示或说明某些看似装饰的成分也能吃,如花朵、装饰品。
    • A: Are these leaves safe to eat? B: Yes, they’re edible herbs.
  139. That venue has a $5 cover charge for live music.
    • cover charge (noun phrase) - 低消或入场费,一些餐厅或酒吧会收
    • 部分带表演或特殊服务的餐厅附加收费,需提前了解是否包含消费。
    • A: Why is there an extra fee on the bill? B: It’s the cover charge for the performance.
  140. Spinach is packed with vitamins and iron.
    • spinach (noun) - 菠菜,一种绿叶蔬菜
    • 常用于沙拉、炒菜或汤品,含丰富营养,烹饪前先洗净滤水。
    • A: Need ideas for a healthy side dish? B: Maybe sautéed spinach with garlic.
  141. Cilantro gives a fresh taste to Mexican dishes.
    • cilantro (noun) - 香菜或芫荽,一种强烈香味的草本调料
    • 有人喜欢有人厌,风味独特,可在拉丁美洲或亚洲料理中常见。
    • A: Do you want cilantro on top? B: Yes, but some people find its flavor soapy.
  142. This soup is so creamy, it must have a lot of cream or butter.
    • creamy (adjective) - 奶油状或浓滑口感
    • 通常形容含奶油、黄油或芝士的菜肴口感顺滑,热量相对偏高。
    • A: Is the sauce thick? B: Yes, it’s really creamy and rich.
  143. The fried chicken is perfectly crispy on the outside.
    • crispy (adjective) - 酥脆的,外皮带有脆感
    • 用于形容油炸或烘烤食物时外皮很脆,增加咀嚼乐趣。
    • A: Do you like crispy bacon? B: Absolutely, crunchy is best!
  144. Cook the steak properly so it stays tender.
    • tender (adjective) - 嫩的,易咀嚼的口感
    • 特别指肉类或蔬菜炖煮后软烂不硬,技巧在于火候、时间、腌制等。
    • A: Is the meat too tough? B: No, it’s really tender, melts in your mouth.
  145. Pork belly is quite fatty but very flavorful.
    • fatty (adjective) - 多脂肪的,带油腻感
    • 与lean 相对,脂肪含量高风味更浓,但不宜多食。注意个人健康需求。
    • A: Do you like fatty cuts? B: Sometimes, but it can be too greasy.
  146. Mothers often spoon-feed babies until they can chew properly.
    • spoon-feed (verb) - 用勺子喂食,或形容太过简化让人无需努力
    • 字面意思是勺子喂食,也可喻指“过分照顾”或“给过多帮助”。
    • A: Can you just tell me every step? B: I don’t want to spoon-feed you all the info!
  147. After it boils, lower the heat and let it simmer for 20 minutes.
    • simmer (verb) - 用小火慢炖或煨煮
    • 介于煮沸和低温炖之间,小火维持微滚,可使食材慢慢入味。
    • A: Should I keep it boiling? B: No, just simmer so it doesn’t burn.
  148. You can reheat the leftover soup for dinner.
    • reheat (verb) - 重新加热冷却后的食物或饮料
    • 处理剩菜常用,注意时间与温度,确保重新变热又不损口感。
    • A: How do I eat this leftover pizza? B: Just reheat it in the oven or microwave.
  149. Stainless steel pans are durable and easy to clean.
    • stainless steel (noun phrase / adjective) - 不锈钢材质,用于锅具或餐具
    • 常见厨具材质,经久耐用,不易生锈。适合多种烹饪方式。
    • A: Which pot should I buy? B: A stainless steel one is long-lasting.
  150. Always rest the meat for a few minutes before slicing.
    • rest the meat (phrase) - 让肉休息或回汁,烹饪后不立刻切
    • 尤其在牛排或烤肉后进行,让内部汁液稳定,口感更佳。
    • A: Why do we wait after cooking? B: Rest the meat so the juices redistribute.
  151. Use tongs to flip the chicken wings on the grill.
    • tongs (noun) - 夹子,用于夹取或翻动食材
    • 烧烤或煎炒时可用来翻转食物,安全且方便,也可用于沙拉拌菜。
    • A: How do I grab these hot corn cobs? B: Use the tongs so you don’t burn yourself.
  152. Set the kitchen timer for 10 minutes, or you might burn the cookies.
    • kitchen timer (noun phrase) - 厨房计时器,控制烹饪时间
    • 烘焙、煮面等需精准时间的场景常用,避免因忘记时间导致失败。
    • A: How do I know when it's done? B: Use the kitchen timer and check after it goes off.
  153. Boil the pasta until al dente.
    • pasta (noun) - 意面,总称如意大利面、通心粉等
    • 常见多种形状,烹煮需控制时间至保留略微嚼劲。可搭配各种酱汁。
    • A: Do you like pasta for dinner? B: Sure, I never get tired of spaghetti.
  154. Cook the spaghetti al dente so it’s not too soft.
    • al dente (adjective) - 意面或米粒带嚼劲,但不生硬
    • 意大利烹饪中常用,强调口感弹牙不烂。过熟则失去口感。
    • A: How do I know when it’s done? B: Taste for al dente—slightly firm in the center.
  155. The cream sauce pairs well with pasta or chicken.
    • cream sauce (noun phrase) - 奶油酱,用黄油、奶油、面粉等制成
    • 高脂肪浓郁酱料,忌口者可适度或选择替代方案。风味独特。
    • A: Is the cream sauce too heavy? B: It’s rich, but perfect for a special dinner.
  156. Let’s have a hot pot dinner with friends tonight.
    • hot pot (noun) - 火锅,边煮边吃的用餐方式
    • 亚洲地区流行,围锅而坐,分享烹煮乐趣。可选择辣汤或清汤等多种口味。
    • A: What’s for dinner? B: We’re doing hot pot! Bring your favorite ingredients.
  157. We tried a cheese fondue at the Swiss restaurant.
    • fondue (noun) - 火锅式沾酱或融化食材,多指巧克力或芝士
    • 欧洲料理,使用小锅加热融化食材,口味可甜可咸,聚会时增添乐趣。
    • A: Fondue for dessert? B: Yes, I love dipping fruit in warm chocolate.
  158. I’d like a side salad with my steak.
    • side salad (noun phrase) - 附餐沙拉,小分量随主菜一起
    • 在西餐主菜旁搭配的小碟沙拉,增加纤维与清爽感。
    • A: Do you want fries or a side salad? B: I’ll take the salad for something lighter.
  159. Sauté the mushrooms in butter until golden.
    • sauté (verb) - 快速翻炒或煸炒
    • 用少量油、短时间在锅中翻动烹调,多用于蔬菜、肉片等易熟食材。
    • A: Should I boil the onions? B: No, better to sauté them with a little oil.
  160. Caramelize the onions for a sweeter flavor in your soup.
    • caramelize (verb) - 使糖或糖分食材焦糖化,变甜并带焦香
    • 需低火加热,等待糖分变色并释放焦糖香。常见于洋葱、苹果或甜酱。
    • A: Why are these onions so sweet? B: I caramelized them slowly.
  161. Add some acidity to balance the richness of the sauce.
    • balance (noun / verb) - 平衡,指菜肴味道或营养搭配的平衡
    • 可在口味(咸、甜、酸、辣等)或营养(蛋白、脂肪、纤维)之间做调和。
    • A: This dish is too salty. B: Maybe add sugar or lemon to balance it out.
  162. They gave us ketchup packets with our fries.
    • packet (noun) - 小包或小袋,盛调料或酱料包装
    • 外带食品或快餐常见,体积小易分配,注意拆开时勿洒出。
    • A: Do you have any sauce? B: Yes, here’s a packet of soy sauce.
  163. Could I have some tap water, please?
    • tap water (noun phrase) - 自来水,部分餐厅免费提供
    • 在部分国家餐厅常免费,质量视当地水源,若担心可选择瓶装水。
    • A: Do you want bottled water? B: Tap water is fine, thanks.
  164. They offer a bread basket while you wait for your meal.
    • bread basket (noun phrase) - 面包篮,西餐厅常提供的桌面免费面包
    • 欧洲或美式餐厅普遍,会附黄油或橄榄油醋,避免客人饥饿等餐。
    • A: Shall I eat from the bread basket? B: Sure, it’s complimentary.
  165. Cook the sauce on medium heat until it thickens.
    • medium heat (noun phrase) - 中火,烹饪时常用温度
    • 介于大火与小火之间,多用于炖煮或需要一定时长的烹饪。
    • A: Is the stove too hot? B: Try medium heat for a gentle simmer.
  166. That spicy dish made my taste buds dance.
    • taste buds dancing (idiomatic phrase) - 形容食物非常美味,味蕾被激发
    • 夸张又生动的表达方式,展现对食物口感的高度赞美。
    • A: How’s the meal? B: It’s so good, my taste buds are dancing!
  167. Avoid spicy foods if you suffer from heartburn.
    • heartburn (noun) - 胃灼热,酸烧心情况
    • 饮食健康相关,不宜摄入过多油腻或刺激性食物,尤其晚餐更需注意。
    • A: Why no chili sauce? B: I get heartburn easily, so I skip spicy stuff.
  168. We can have a light snack if we're not too hungry.
    • light snack (phrase) - 小点心或零食,分量不多
    • 食量有限或晚餐过后想少量补充时可用,多选健康低热量选项。
    • A: Let’s skip a big dinner. B: Agreed, maybe just a light snack before bed.
  169. Let’s do a quick grocery run to get fresh veggies for dinner.
    • grocery run (noun phrase) - 去超市或杂货店采买食材的行程
    • 准备在家做晚餐时常出现,先列好清单再去,以免漏买必须的食材。
    • A: We’re out of tomatoes. B: I’ll make a grocery run now.
  170. Food prep takes longer if you have lots of vegetables to chop.
    • food prep (noun phrase) - 餐前准备工作,如洗菜、切菜等
    • 节省烹饪时间的方法之一是提前准备或分批切洗,可减轻下厨压力。
    • A: Why does cooking feel so long? B: Food prep is half the job!
  171. Take a bite of this steak; it’s so tender.
    • take a bite (phrase) - 咬一口,试吃或开始进食
    • 口语化表达品尝或开始吃的动作,亦可形容尝试某道菜。
    • A: Is it good? B: Take a bite and see for yourself.
  172. Fine chop the onions so they blend into the sauce.
    • fine chop (phrase) - 切碎,切成小碎末
    • 比 chop 更细,适合做酱或隐藏口感。与 mince 类似但稍微大一点。
    • A: Should it be diced or in bigger pieces? B: A fine chop works best here.
  173. Use kitchen shears to cut herbs quickly.
    • kitchen shears (noun phrase) - 厨房专用剪刀,用于切食材
    • 省力又方便,用于切鸡骨、蔬菜、香草等。别和普通办公剪刀混用。
    • A: How do I trim these chicken wings? B: Kitchen shears are perfect for that.
  174. Let’s dish up the curry before it cools down.
    • dish up (phrasal verb) - 把食物盛到盘子上,准备上桌
    • 正式吃饭前的最后步骤,确保温度与摆盘,亦可说“plate the food”。
    • A: Is dinner ready? B: Yes, I’ll dish it up now.
  175. We had a hot and sour soup for dinner.
    • hot and sour (adjective) - 酸辣口味,多见于中餐或东南亚料理
    • 辛辣与酸味结合,醒胃又刺激味蕾,喜好此口感者常点酸辣汤等菜。
    • A: What’s the flavor of this dish? B: It’s hot and sour, typical of Szechuan style.
  176. I love duck with crispy skin and tender meat.
    • crispy skin (phrase) - 脆皮,例如烤鸭、烤鸡外皮酥脆口感
    • 需高温或特殊料理手法呈现,常见于烧腊、烤肉等菜品,令人垂涎。
    • A: How’s the roast pork? B: Delicious, the crispy skin is the best part.

Lesson Summary

在此课中,你将获得涵盖烹饪操作(如 boil、fry、bake、marinate)、食材与调味(如 ingredients、seasoning、garlic、onion)以及外出就餐实用表达(如 reservation、bill、appetizer、main course、dessert)的多元词汇,共101个。它们不仅能协助你在家做饭时高效沟通各种步骤,也能在餐厅里自如交流,如订位、点餐、询问特色菜或特殊需求(如 vegan、gluten-free)。此外,你还能学到如何形容口味、质地,以及与朋友讨论晚餐计划时如何表达自己的胃口、偏好或饮食限制。本课更提供一些与西餐、亚洲料理等不同烹饪风格相关的词汇,帮助你在各类美食场景都可灵活表达。掌握这些词汇后,你将更轻松地安排并享受晚餐,无论是温馨的家常饭,还是在新开的餐厅体验美味,都能畅所欲言。
