[English 101] 电话通话 - 通话关键表达

Phone Calls:

Lesson Introduction

Phone Calls

在本课中,你将系统学习到101个与电话通话息息相关的核心单词和短语。无论是日常与朋友联系,或在商务场合与客户进行沟通,这些词汇都能让你的通话流程更加顺畅,沟通更加得体。从最基础的“接听、挂断”,到更进阶的“电话会议”“语音留言”“信号覆盖”等,每个词条不仅提供英文释义和中文解读,也辅以短小对话帮助你快速理解并运用。课程中涵盖多种情形,如紧急呼叫、国际漫游、语音信箱等,让你在不同场合都能灵活应对。学完后,你能更自如地描述电话状况,例如信号不佳、线路断线、语音模糊等问题,并学会给对方留下友好而清晰的语音信息或短信。此外,还可以掌握一些礼貌用语,像“please repeat”、“call me back”,避免误解或冲突,展现你的专业与礼貌。通过这套词汇,你将对电话沟通的常见问题及术语有更完整的认识,也能有效提升应对各种电话情境的自信与表达能力。

Teaching Material

  1. I will call you this evening to confirm our plans.
    • call (verb) - 打电话、呼叫
    • 在拨打电话或请求他人打来时,用“call”强调主动行为。也可搭配“call back”表示回电。
    • A: Can you call me when you arrive? B: Sure, I'll ring you up right away.
  2. She didn’t pick up when I called earlier.
    • pick up (phrasal verb) - 接电话
    • 用来描述接听来电的动作。也可在对话中问“Why didn't you pick up?”询问未接原因。
    • A: Could you pick up if I call at midnight? B: Yes, I'll try to stay alert.
  3. Don't hang up yet; I have one more question.
    • hang up (phrasal verb) - 挂断电话
    • 表示结束通话的行为,一般指主动挂断。用于提醒或描述结束电话的动作。
    • A: Did you hang up on me? B: Sorry, the signal dropped suddenly.
  4. You need to dial the area code first for long-distance calls.
    • dial (verb) - 拨号,输入电话号码
    • 在手动输入或使用拨号界面时,常说“dial the number”。也可与“re-dial”连用。
    • A: Did you dial my number correctly? B: Let me double-check.
  5. Every time I call, I hear a busy tone.
    • busy tone (noun) - 占线音
    • 当电话线路被占用时听到的声音。可告知对方“It's busy”来说明线路忙碌。
    • A: Why can't you get through? B: I'm only getting a busy tone.
  6. He put the receiver down after the call ended.
    • receiver (noun) - 听筒或接听端
    • 传统座机电话的听筒部分,也可泛指接听电话的一端。用于更正式或老式场景。
    • A: Where’s the phone receiver? B: It’s on the other desk.
  7. If I'm not available, please leave a voicemail.
    • voicemail (noun) - 语音信箱或留言
    • 当对方无法接听或忙线时,让其在语音信箱留言。适用商务或个人场景。
    • A: Did you leave me a voicemail? B: Yes, check your messages.
  8. The operator can help you connect to the right extension.
    • operator (noun) - 接线员,或电话系统服务人员
    • 在公司总机或公共电话服务时常听到,可用于转接或电话查询。
    • A: How do I reach HR? B: Dial zero and ask the operator for assistance.
  9. To reach me directly, dial my extension 403.
    • extension (noun) - 分机号码
    • 公司或机构内部常见,多人共用同一总机,需要分机区分。可附在主号码后拨打。
    • A: Do you have an extension? B: Yes, it's 234. Just enter it after the main number.
  10. I use my landline for most local calls.
    • landline (noun) - 固定电话,传统有线电话
    • 相对于手机或无线电话,指传统家用或办公室座机。在网络不稳时更可靠。
    • A: Should I call your cell? B: My landline is more stable, so use that.
  11. Most people store contacts on their smartphone.
    • smartphone (noun) - 智能手机
    • 现代常用移动设备,具备打电话、上网等多功能。与“mobile phone”通用但更强调智能特性。
    • A: Do you have a smartphone? B: Yes, I use it for calls and apps daily.
  12. Sorry, I think you have the wrong number.
    • wrong number (noun phrase) - 打错号码
    • 当来电找错人或拨错号码时使用,礼貌回绝对方并说明情况。
    • A: May I speak to Sarah? B: I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number.
  13. The phone started to ring in the middle of dinner.
    • ring (verb / noun) - 铃响;(电话)响铃
    • 既可作动词表示电话响,也可作名词“a phone ring”。在对话中常指声音提示。
    • A: Did you hear the phone ring? B: Yes, I’ll get it.
  14. I missed your call, so I’ll call you back soon.
    • call back (phrasal verb) - 回电,给之前来电的人回拨
    • 在漏接来电或忙碌时,稍后回电对方。也可用于提醒对方保留时间等待你的回电。
    • A: Can you call me back later? B: Sure, I’ll do it when I’m free.
  15. I saw a missed call from you. Everything okay?
    • missed call (noun phrase) - 未接来电
    • 指手机或电话铃响但未及时接听的记录。可用于联系对方询问事由或回拨。
    • A: Did you see my missed call? B: Yes, I’ll ring you back now.
  16. Let’s switch to speakerphone so everyone can hear.
    • speakerphone (noun) - 免提扬声器模式
    • 在会议或多人需同时听电话时使用,提醒对方通话公开以保护隐私。
    • A: Do you mind if I put you on speakerphone? B: Not at all, that’s fine.
  17. I muted my microphone while I wasn’t speaking.
    • mute (verb / noun) - 静音,将电话麦克风关闭
    • 在电话会议或嘈杂环境中可先mute,避免环境音干扰。要注意及时解除以便说话。
    • A: Why can't I hear you? B: Sorry, I had it on mute for a moment.
  18. The receptionist asked me to hold while she transferred my call.
    • hold (verb) - 保持通话等待,不挂断
    • 客服或忙线时常使用“put you on hold”。需礼貌说明原因,避免对方焦急等待。
    • A: Could you hold for a moment? B: Sure, I’ll wait on the line.
  19. We’ll have a conference call at 2 PM with the overseas team.
    • conference call (noun) - 电话会议,多人同时在线通话
    • 适合多人讨论,同步进行沟通。可与“video call”或“web meeting”区分。
    • A: Are you joining the conference call? B: Yes, I’ll dial in on time.
  20. We can do a video call instead of a voice call to share screens.
    • video call (noun) - 视频通话
    • 在需要面对面交流或远程演示时更直观。网络与设备稳定性是成功关键。
    • A: Shall we switch to a video call? B: Yes, I'd like to see the presentation slides.
  21. I can’t talk now because the signal is too weak.
    • signal (noun) - 信号,指手机或通话的连接强度
    • 在手机通话环境下常见,指移动网络或Wi-Fi覆盖度。信号差会导致断线或音质问题。
    • A: Why do you keep cutting out? B: My signal is really bad here.
  22. My battery is about to die; I'll call you later.
    • battery (noun) - 电池,手机或其他设备的电量
    • 通话时关注手机电量,避免通话中断。可提示对方“low battery”以尽快结束或更换电源。
    • A: Why did you hang up? B: My phone’s battery died mid-call.
  23. I heard a beep—there’s call waiting on my line.
    • call waiting (noun phrase) - 来电等待功能
    • 在已有通话进行时,新来电会提醒音,启用此功能可决定是否切换。
    • A: Can you answer that new call? B: Yes, I have call waiting enabled.
  24. If I can't reach you, I'll just text-decoration-underline fw-bold bg-info text-dark p-1">text you the details.
    • text (noun / verb) - 短信或发送短信
    • 若通话不便可改用短信沟通,尤其在无声环境或对方不方便接听时。
    • A: Did you get my text about dinner plans? B: Yes, I'll reply soon.
  25. I’ve saved your number in my contacts.
    • contact (noun) - 联系对象,通讯录中的人或条目
    • 手机或通讯软件的存档信息,可快速拨号。谈及“add to contacts”或“update contact”。
    • A: Who should I call? B: Look up Karen in my contact list.
  26. I see an incoming call from an unknown number.
    • incoming call (noun phrase) - 来电,正在呼入的电话
    • 当电话正响起或系统显示有来电时描述。与outgoing call相对。
    • A: Did you hear my phone? B: Yes, there’s an incoming call.
  27. My call log shows three outgoing calls this morning.
    • outgoing call (noun phrase) - 拨出电话,主动呼出的通话
    • 与incoming call相对,指主动打出的通话记录。
    • A: Did you make the outgoing call to the client? B: Yes, we spoke for about 10 minutes.
  28. Be careful with roaming charges when you travel abroad.
    • roaming (noun / adjective) - 漫游,指手机在非本地网络上使用
    • 在跨地区或国际使用手机网络时常见,费用相对高,需在设置中开启或关闭。
    • A: Why is my bill so high? B: You were roaming outside the country.
  29. My phone bill was unusually high this month.
    • phone bill (noun) - 电话账单
    • 与运营商费用相关,可明细通话、短信或流量收费。定期查看以控制开支。
    • A: Did you pay your phone bill on time? B: Yes, I cleared it online yesterday.
  30. He sent me a voice message instead of texting.
    • voice message (noun) - 语音消息,可以是微信、WhatsApp等语音录音
    • 与voicemail相似,但多用于即时通信软件。一种随时收听的录音方式。
    • A: Did you check my voice message? B: Not yet, I’ll listen to it now.
  31. Sorry, the line is breaking up. Could you repeat that?
    • line is breaking up (phrase) - 线路不清晰,信号断断续续
    • 电话或网络信号不稳定时,用此表达说明对方声音断续。可要求重说或换地方。
    • A: I can’t hear you clearly. B: The line is breaking up on my end.
  32. We get poor coverage in the mountains.
    • coverage (noun) - 网络覆盖范围
    • 移动网络或信号提供范围。有时可问运营商“What's the coverage like in that area?”
    • A: Why does my phone show no service? B: The coverage here is really weak.
  33. Dial the area code before the number for out-of-state calls.
    • area code (noun phrase) - 地区代码,拨打长途或跨区电话所需前缀
    • 在国际或跨区域拨号时必需。若省略则可能无法接通,需确认正确前缀。
    • A: Why can’t I connect? B: Maybe you forgot the area code.
  34. International calls can be expensive if you don’t have a plan.
    • international call (noun phrase) - 国际长途电话
    • 跨国拨打电话时使用。费用较高,可用国际套餐或网络通话节省成本。
    • A: Did you make an international call to Europe? B: Yes, I used a discounted plan.
  35. Local calls are usually cheaper on my plan.
    • local call (noun phrase) - 本地电话,不跨区或不含长途费的拨号
    • 与长途相对,不需要加拨区号或国际码。大多资费较便宜。
    • A: Is that a local call? B: Yes, it's within the same city code.
  36. I set my boss’s number on speed dial for urgent issues.
    • speed dial (noun) - 快速拨号,预存联系人让拨号更快捷
    • 手机或座机提供的功能,用数字键一键拨号给常用联系人。
    • A: How do I call you faster? B: Just add me to your speed dial list.
  37. I activated call forwarding to my mobile while I’m out.
    • call forwarding (noun phrase) - 来电转接或转发
    • 可让来电自动转至另一个号码,出差或外出时常用,避免漏接重要来电。
    • A: Why did your office phone ring on your cell? B: I set up call forwarding for convenience.
  38. I blocked that spam caller’s number.
    • blocked number (noun phrase) - 被阻止的号码,无法拨入或联系
    • 手机或系统设置的黑名单功能,可屏蔽骚扰或不想接的来电。
    • A: Why can’t I call you? B: Oops, I might have added you to my blocked number list by mistake.
  39. The caller ID showed a number I didn’t recognize.
    • caller ID (noun phrase) - 来电显示
    • 可辨别来电号码或显示名称,帮你决定是否接听。若显示受限,可能是隐藏号码。
    • A: Who called you? B: I’m not sure, the caller ID said ‘Unknown.’
  40. Making a long distance call was expensive before smartphone plans.
    • long distance (noun phrase) - 长途电话
    • 跨市或跨国的付费电话,与local call区分,通常资费高,需留意费用。
    • A: Is this a local or long distance number? B: It’s long distance; you need the area code.
  41. My phone plan covers unlimited minutes but limited data.
    • phone plan (noun phrase) - 电话套餐,包含通话、短信、流量等服务
    • 选择适合需求的套餐可省费用,通常含通话时长、短信条数及移动数据。
    • A: Which phone plan do you have? B: I chose the family plan for better rates.
  42. Hello? May I speak to Sarah, please?
    • hello (interjection) - 用于接电话时的问候
    • 接电话时的第一句招呼;也可换用“Hi”或公司问候语,如“Good morning, [Company Name].”
    • A: Hello, who’s calling? B: Hello, this is Mark from the office.
  43. Could you speak up? The line is really faint.
    • could you speak up? (phrase) - 请大声一点,听不清对方
    • 在电话音量太低或对方说话过轻时使用,语气礼貌,让对方提高音量。
    • A: I can barely hear you. B: Could you speak up a bit?
  44. We have a bad connection; let me call you again.
    • bad connection (phrase) - 糟糕的连接,信号不好或网络差
    • 指通话时断续、杂音或延迟,常见于移动网络不佳或网络电话时。
    • A: Sorry, I can't hear you well. B: It must be a bad connection. I'll redial.
  45. Please hold and I'll put you through to the manager.
    • put you through (phrase) - 为你转接电话
    • 在办公室或公司电话系统中常用。表示帮对方接通到指定负责人或分机。
    • A: Could I speak to Mr. Lee? B: Yes, hold on. I'll put you through.
  46. If you can’t talk, just send a text with the details.
    • send a text (phrase) - 发送短信
    • 比打电话更简单快捷的联系方式。适合对方不方便接听或仅需简单信息。
    • A: Should I call or email? B: Actually, just send a text, it’s faster.
  47. Check your call log to see if you missed any calls.
    • call log (noun phrase) - 通话记录
    • 在手机或通讯软件中可查看所有进出电话的时间与时长,方便回溯或统计。
    • A: Did I call you last week? B: Let me look at my call log.
  48. Adjust the phone settings to enable call forwarding.
    • phone settings (noun phrase) - 手机设置,通话与系统参数
    • 手机菜单中的各项功能调节。含铃声、震动、网络等,影响通话体验。
    • A: How do I silence my ringer? B: Go to your phone settings and set to silent mode.
  49. Some companies use call recording for quality control.
    • call recording (noun phrase) - 通话录音
    • 需根据当地法律或公司规定使用。多用于客服、培训或存证目的。
    • A: Why was there a beep? B: It's a call recording alert for legal compliance.
  50. Wait for the tone before recording your message.
    • tone (noun) - 音调或提示音,可指电话拨号音、占线音等
    • 通话提示的各种声音,如拨号音(dial tone)、忙音(busy tone)。使用得当可指引操作。
    • A: Should I start speaking now? B: After the tone, leave your message.
  51. Hello, this is Mary speaking. How can I help you?
    • hello, this is... (expression) - 电话自我介绍的开场白
    • 在拨打或接听正式电话时作自我介绍。简明扼要,让对方立即知道身份。
    • A: Hello, this is Andrew. B: Hi Andrew, what can I do for you?
  52. Hello, is that James on the line?
    • is that...? (question phrase) - 确认电话对方身份的表达
    • 在无法确认对方身份或听不出声音时使用。语气礼貌,避免突然质问。
    • A: Is that Lucy? B: Yes, speaking.
  53. The call quality was terrible, full of static.
    • call quality (noun phrase) - 通话质量
    • 可受信号、设备、网络影响。差时可换地方或重拨,以改善通话体验。
    • A: How’s the call quality now? B: Much clearer after I moved closer to a window.
  54. Video calls consume a lot of data usage.
    • data usage (noun phrase) - 数据流量使用量
    • 与视频或网络电话相关时需注意耗流量。某些套餐限制速度或收取额外费用。
    • A: Why is my data usage so high this month? B: You’ve been doing a lot of video calls.
  55. I lost my network connection in the tunnel.
    • network (noun) - 网络,手机或通信运营商提供的连接
    • 在通话或数据访问中最关键的基础。信号不佳时常与“coverage”或“bad connection”连用。
    • A: Why did the call drop? B: My phone lost its network signal underground.
  56. I changed my ringtone to a classic phone ring.
    • ringtone (noun) - 铃声,电话来电时播放的声音
    • 可自定义或使用系统自带铃声,让来电更容易察觉或个性化。
    • A: Why do you have such a loud ringtone? B: So I don’t miss any calls!
  57. Let me find your number in my contact list.
    • contact list (noun phrase) - 联系人列表,手机或通讯录中的一系列信息
    • 记录并管理所有联系人的地方。便于快速查找、拨打或发送消息。
    • A: How do I add you to my contact list? B: Just tap ‘add new contact’ and type my details.
  58. I’ll power off my phone during the meeting.
    • power off (phrasal verb) - 关机,关闭手机或设备电源
    • 在保密会议或飞机上可能要求关机,或省电时使用。记得重新开机确认来电。
    • A: Why couldn’t I reach you? B: My phone was powered off at night.
  59. I keep my phone on vibrate in the office.
    • vibrate (verb / noun) - 震动模式,手机通知时震动而不发声
    • 在公共场所或会议里使用较礼貌,不会打扰他人。但易错过若未注意震动。
    • A: Why didn’t you hear it ring? B: It was on vibrate mode, so I only felt it buzzing.
  60. I work at a call center answering customer queries.
    • call center (noun) - 客服中心或呼叫中心
    • 企业或组织集中处理电话服务的部门。与“customer service”衔接较紧。
    • A: How long were you on hold? B: Almost ten minutes before the call center agent picked up.
  61. Call customer service if you have any billing issues.
    • customer service (noun) - 客户服务,接听或处理消费者问题的部门
    • 解决用户咨询、投诉、售后等电话来往的常见部门,需耐心沟通。
    • A: The product arrived damaged. B: Please contact customer service immediately.
  62. Dial 911 if you need an emergency call in the U.S.
    • emergency call (noun phrase) - 紧急呼叫,拨打救援或警方号码
    • 遇突发情况需立即联系官方救助,记住当地紧急电话号码。谨慎使用避免占线。
    • A: Did you make an emergency call? B: Yes, I had to contact the ambulance.
  63. International roaming rates can be very high.
    • international roaming (noun phrase) - 国际漫游,手机在海外使用本国SIM卡
    • 跨国使用手机服务时可能产生昂贵费用,通常建议购买当地SIM或使用Wi-Fi。
    • A: Should I buy a local SIM? B: It’s cheaper than paying international roaming fees.
  64. I'm busy now, can I call back later?
    • call back later (phrase) - 稍后再打电话
    • 若对方正在忙或环境不合适,可约定时间再电,避免匆忙或敷衍。
    • A: Is this a bad time? B: Yes, please call back later, maybe in an hour.
  65. I prefer a prepaid plan so I can control my spending.
    • prepaid (adjective) - 预付费,先充值再消费的电话卡或套餐
    • 充多少用多少的形式。适合无需长期合约或出差临时需要,避免超支。
    • A: Do you pay monthly? B: No, it's a prepaid SIM card I recharge.
  66. With a postpaid plan, you get billed at the end of the month.
    • postpaid (adjective) - 后付费,月结或账单形式的电话套餐
    • 先使用后缴费,多与合约机或月租绑定,注重通话、流量等合计账单。
    • A: Why is your phone cheaper upfront? B: Because I’m on a postpaid contract.
  67. Many call centers now use voice recognition to route calls.
    • voice recognition (noun phrase) - 语音识别,用语音指令操作手机或服务
    • 对手机助手或电话系统发口令,让系统自动辨识。注意发音清晰度。
    • A: How do I navigate the menu? B: Just say the option’s name, it uses voice recognition.
  68. My grandparents still rely on a landline phone.
    • landline phone (noun) - 座机电话,与mobile phone相对
    • 传统有线电话,相比手机信号更稳定。多用于家中或固定办公室。
    • A: Should I call your mobile? B: Call my landline phone at home; it’s more stable.
  69. Switch off mobile data if you only want calls, not internet.
    • mobile data (noun phrase) - 手机流量,用于上网或通话APP
    • 当使用网络电话或社交平台等功能时会消耗流量,应配合合适流量套餐。
    • A: Why is my phone bill so high? B: Your mobile data usage spiked this month.
  70. There's a connection issue; I keep getting cut off.
    • connection issue (noun phrase) - 连线问题,导致通话中断或质量不佳
    • 可由网络、信号或对方设备引起。遇到时可重启设备或换环境尝试。
    • A: Are you there? B: Sorry, connection issues. Let me step outside.
  71. My phone shows 'No Signal' in this underground area.
    • no signal (phrase) - 无信号,手机无法连接网络
    • 在地铁、偏远区或封闭环境常见。可尝试移至开阔处或等待恢复。
    • A: Why didn’t you answer? B: I had no signal in the basement.
  72. Switch to airplane mode when you're on a plane.
    • airplane mode (noun phrase) - 飞行模式,禁用手机无线功能
    • 在飞行或需要断开无线电频率时使用,可保留离线应用功能。
    • A: My calls aren’t coming in. B: Check if your phone is on airplane mode.
  73. You can see how long each call lasted in the call history.
    • call history (noun phrase) - 通话历史记录
    • 与call log类似,记录进出电话详情。方便查询或统计通话频率。
    • A: When did you last call me? B: Let me check my call history.
  74. Could you hold on for a second? I need to check something.
    • hold on (phrasal verb) - 稍等片刻,一般在电话里让对方先等待
    • 较口语化。可与“please hold”互换。电话会谈时表示短暂离线或查询信息。
    • A: I have to ask my colleague. B: Sure, hold on, I’ll wait.
  75. If you lose the connection, call me back immediately.
    • call me back (phrase) - 请再给我打电话,回拨或回电
    • 用以请求对方稍后再次拨打,若临时有事或信号中断时最常见。
    • A: I might be busy now. B: No problem, just call me back when you can.
  76. Our call got disconnected in the middle of our discussion.
    • disconnected (adjective) - 通话中断或被切断
    • 自然断线或信号故障导致。通常需再次拨号以继续通话。
    • A: Why did you hang up? B: I didn’t; we got disconnected suddenly.
  77. I couldn't catch that, could you please repeat?
    • please repeat (phrase) - 请再说一遍,没听清对方内容
    • 在听不清或被打断时礼貌地请求重复,让通话信息准确。
    • A: The number is 876… B: Sorry, please repeat the last digits?
  78. He’s on the line right now, do you want me to connect you?
    • on the line (phrase) - 在通话中,保持接听状态
    • 表示对方仍在通话,不要挂断。也可形容多人共享电话会议。
    • A: Is Maria still on the line? B: Yes, I can patch you in.
  79. My voicemailbox is full; I need to delete some old messages.
    • voicemailbox (noun) - 语音信箱收件箱
    • 存储所有录音留言的地方,定期清理以防无法接收新信息。
    • A: I tried leaving you a message. B: Sorry, my voicemailbox was full.
  80. Enter your PIN code to access your voicemail.
    • PIN code (noun) - 个人识别码,电话或语音信箱的密码
    • 常用于语音信箱或SIM卡安全,可保护隐私;需记好或妥善保管,避免泄漏。
    • A: Why can't I listen to my messages? B: You need your PIN code for authentication.
  81. Let me start a three-way call so we can discuss together.
    • three-way call (noun phrase) - 三方通话,加入第三人共同对话
    • 适合多人紧急沟通或临时会议。操作方法视电话系统或APP而定。
    • A: Can we bring Tom in? B: Sure, I’ll set up a three-way call now.
  82. I use a headset for hands-free calling.
    • headset (noun) - 耳机或头戴式听筒,用于接打电话
    • 有麦克风可方便长时间通话或语音会议,避免手持疲劳或杂音。
    • A: Why can I hear the background noise? B: I’m not using a headset, just the phone speaker.
  83. Press the call button after entering the number.
    • call button (noun) - 呼叫按钮,手机或应用上的拨号图标
    • 在手机或软件界面上常见图标。按下后开始呼叫,若需终止则点挂断键。
    • A: I keyed in the digits, now what? B: Tap the call button to start dialing.
  84. Instead of calling, he just sent me an emoticon.
    • emoticon (noun) - 表情符号,通过短信或聊天工具传达情感
    • 电话中通常无法用文字表情,但在语音或视频时也可描述心情;短信聊天更常用。
    • A: Are you upset? B: I just saw the emoticon you sent—looks like a sad face.
  85. VoIP services let you call through the internet.
    • voip (noun) - 网络电话(Voice Over Internet Protocol)
    • 利用网络传输语音,收费低或免费,须保持网络稳定。
    • A: How do we contact overseas cheaply? B: Use a VoIP app, it’s cheaper than normal calls.
  86. I’m expecting an urgent call from the hospital.
    • urgent call (noun phrase) - 紧急或重要电话
    • 优先接听或处理的电话,可提前向周围人说明重要性以免漏接。
    • A: Can you step out for a minute? B: Sorry, I'm waiting for an urgent call.
  87. The line says you’re unavailable right now.
    • unavailable (adjective) - 无法接通,用户忙或不在服务区
    • 在电话或系统中,指对方暂时无法回应,或在忙线、关机、无信号等情况。
    • A: Why can’t I reach you? B: I might appear unavailable if I'm on another call.
  88. If you don’t answer, I’ll leave a message.
    • answer (verb) - 接听、应答电话
    • 简单动词,指接听动作,也可用“pick up”。留意礼貌用语:”Thank you for answering.”
    • A: Why didn’t you answer earlier? B: I was in a meeting, sorry.
  89. The caller hung up before I could speak.
    • caller (noun) - 来电者,拨电话的人
    • 对应的呼叫发起方,与“recipient”或“callee”相对。可用来描述“unknown caller”。
    • A: Did you get the name of the caller? B: No, they disconnected too quickly.
  90. Each subscriber must pay a monthly fee for the service.
    • subscriber (noun) - 用户,指登记或使用电话服务的人
    • 较正式术语,多用于运营商或电话服务文档,表示注册使用该服务的对象。
    • A: Do you have an active plan? B: Yes, I’m a subscriber to the unlimited data package.
  91. Hang on a minute, I’ll transfer the call now.
    • hang on (phrasal verb) - 稍等,类似“hold on”
    • 与“hold on”意义相近,语气轻松口语化,让对方不要挂断。
    • A: Could you hang on? B: Sure, I can wait.
  92. I hear an echo on the line, can you lower your speaker volume?
    • echo (noun) - 回声,电话或会议通话时的重复音
    • 电话或网络会议常见回音或反馈;通过耳机、降低音量或使用回声消除可缓解。
    • A: Why is there an echo? B: Maybe our devices are too close or volume is too loud.
  93. Enter the conference ID after dialing the main number.
    • conference ID (noun phrase) - 会议ID,用于加入电话或视频会议
    • 电话会议系统给定的接入编号,输入正确才能进入对应会议室。
    • A: Do you have the conference ID? B: Yes, it's 9098 followed by the pound key.
  94. If you need any help, just call me.
    • call me (phrase) - 打给我,用于邀请或请求对方致电
    • 简单直接的指令或请求,让对方主动拨打,可以附带时间或原因。
    • A: I might be late. B: No worries, call me if anything changes.
  95. I’ll check my phone in case I missed your message.
    • check phone (verb phrase) - 查看手机,看看是否有新信息或来电
    • 常用在结束会议或长时间无法看手机后,及时获取信息,避免遗漏。
    • A: Did you see my missed call? B: Let me check my phone now.
  96. No dial tone means the line might be disconnected.
    • dial tone (noun phrase) - 拨号音,拿起电话时听到的连续音
    • 座机或传统电话上常见;若没有则说明线路故障。与“busy tone”或“ring tone”区分。
    • A: Is your phone working? B: I don’t even hear a dial tone.
  97. I got three spam calls this morning about fake offers.
    • spam call (noun phrase) - 垃圾电话,推销或诈骗等不受欢迎的来电
    • 频繁或陌生号码的推销、诈骗电话,可使用来电拦截或屏蔽功能。
    • A: Should I answer this unknown number? B: It's likely a spam call; better not.
  98. Use call block to stop repeated spam.
    • call block (noun phrase) - 电话拦截,将特定号码阻止来电
    • 有系统或应用提供的防骚扰功能。可手动添加或自动过滤,减少打扰。
    • A: This number keeps calling me. B: Just enable call block on your phone.
  99. Check the time zone before calling overseas.
    • time zone (noun phrase) - 时区,跨区域通话需注意的时间差
    • 国际或跨地区通话要考虑时差,避免打扰对方休息或工作时间。
    • A: Why didn’t they pick up? B: Different time zone, they might be sleeping.
  100. Please leave your callback number in the message.
    • callback number (noun phrase) - 回拨号码,对方可用来回电的联络号
    • 在语音留言时常见,请对方留可回拨的电话,以便后续联系。
    • A: I can’t reach you at that line. B: Use my callback number instead.
  101. The screen shows call progress, waiting for the other side to answer.
    • call progress (noun phrase) - 呼叫进度,指拨号后电话连接的状态
    • 技术或专业用语,通常显示在设备界面上或系统日志中,用于监控拨号过程。
    • A: Is it ringing yet? B: Yes, I'm watching the call progress.

Lesson Summary

