Familiarity breeds contempt.
Familiarity breeds contempt.
「Familiarity breeds contempt.」呢句英語俗語喺廣東話中嘅意思係「過份熟悉令人厭煩」。當我哋同一個人或者一個地方太熟悉之後,可能會開始覺得無新鮮感,甚至產生厭煩感。呢句講話提醒我哋,喺人際關係或者其他方面保持適當嘅距離,有助於維持健康同積極嘅關係。例如,喺職場上,適當嘅專業距離可以幫助維持尊重同合作嘅氣氛。學習同適用呢句俗語,有助於我哋識做喺生活各方面避免超過界限,保持良好嘅人際網絡。
Working closely for years made them less appreciative of each other's skills; indeed, familiarity breeds contempt.
John and I became so used to each other's ideas that familiarity breeds contempt in our workplace.
When they stopped valuing my advice over time, it became evident that familiarity breeds contempt, especially in long-term relationships.