Play second fiddle.
Play second fiddle.
喺香港,好多時大家都想做頭馬,但有時「當副手」都有佢嘅重要性。呢個成語「Play second fiddle」源自西方古典音樂團體中第二小提琴嘅角色,意思係做支援或者副手嘅角色。喺工作上,如果老闆係主要決策者,咁「當副手」嘅你就係提供意見同支持,確保團隊順利運作。雖然唔係最出風頭嘅位置,但你嘅角色對於整體成就嚟講係不可或缺嘅。學識點樣做好「副手」,幫到你明白喺團隊中每個人嘅價值同如何發揮自己嘅長處。
She didn't mind playing second fiddle in the band as long as she could play her music.
Tom has always played second fiddle to his brother when it comes to sports.
In the office, Jenna often felt she was playing second fiddle because her boss gave more attention to her colleague's ideas.