Stick out like a sore thumb.
Stick out like a sore thumb.
「Stick out like a sore thumb」呢個英文諺語喺香港中文就係「非常顯眼」。想像一下,如果你手指受傷腫起來,佢喺手指之中會非常顯眼。喺日常生活中,呢句諺語可以用來形容某人或某事喺一群人中非常突出或者唔合群。例如喺一個正式既場合中,如果有個人穿住非常休閒既衣服,他就會「非常顯眼」。呢個諺語警示我地喺不同場合中要注意自己既言行,避免出尷尬或不適合的情況。
In his bright pink suit, he stuck out like a sore thumb.
She stuck out like a sore through at the formal gathering.
At the casual party, wearing a three-piece suit, he stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the crowd in jeans and t-shirts.