Ride out the storm.
Ride out the storm.
「Ride out the storm」呢個成語喺香港可以理解為「安然度過困境」。字面上,佢同風暴過境有關,比喻指在困難或危機中保持堅持,最終安然渡過問題。例如,一間公司可能會經歷經濟衰退嘅打擊,但如果佢地能夠「Ride out the storm」,就能夠在經濟恢復後繼續生存並恢復成長。呢個成語提醒我哋喺面臨困難時不要放棄,要有堅持到底嘅耐性和恆心,同時也是對個人或團隊抗壓能力嘅一種肯定。
We just need to ride out the storm until things improve.
The company decided to cut unnecessary expenses and ride out the storm of the economic downturn.
They kept their calm and continued their efforts to ride out the storm despite the fierce competition in the market.