Hit the jackpot.
/hɪt ðə ˈdʒækˌpɑt/
Hit the jackpot.
/hɪt ðə ˈdʒækˌpɑt/
講到「hit the jackpot」,呢個短語實際上用來形容賭博中贏得巨額獎金,或者係在其他情况下意外得到一大筆錢或好處。可以想像一下,在賭場裏頭把所有籌碼下注,然後機器突然顯示你中咗頭獎,咁就正正係「hit the jackpot」嘅實際情景。不過,呢個短語唔單只限於金錢上嘅獲得,佢都可以用來形容喺生活中任何意惑不到嘅幸運或成功,好似突然間得到一份理想嘅工作噉。即使生活中真正「hit the jackpot」嘅時刻好罕見,但每當佢發生時,通常都會帶來改變命運嘅機會。所以,下次當你聽到有人用呢個短語時,佢可能正描述經歷咗一啲非常幸運嘅事,或者簡單噉分享佢哋意想不到嘅好消息。
Tom hit the jackpot when he found that rare baseball card at a yard sale.
Tom 喺義賣會發現咗嗰張罕有嘅棒球卡,真係中咗獎。
Sally felt like she hit the jackpot when she got promoted unexpectedly.
Sally 覺得佢未預期到嘅升職好似中咗獎。
Winning the lottery was like hitting the jackpot; suddenly, Mike had more money than he ever dreamed of.
中咗彩票好似中咗獎;突然之間,Mike 有咗比佢夢想中更多嘅錢。