Make a beeline for it.

Make a beeline for it.
「Make a beeline for it」這個英語成語形容某人直接而迅速地前往某個位置或目標。喺香港,這種表達可用來描述市民日常忙碌而目標明確嘅生活態度。例如,一個上班族可能會喺下班後直奔健身房,因為他清楚健康係他嘅首要目標。學習「Make a beeline for it」嘅態度可以幫助提升個人嘅工作效率同生活質素。目標明確,行動迅速,係達到成功嘅重要元素之一。
As soon as he entered the store, he made a beeline for the electronics section.
The kids made a beeline for the ice cream truck as it pulled into the park.
Whenever she goes to the library, Sarah makes a beeline for the new arrivals shelf, eager to check out the latest books.