Look the other way.

Look the other way.
「Look the other way」指嘅係故意忽略或避開某些事實或行為,好似冇見到一樣。喺香港,呢個成語可以用來描述社會中不願面對問題嘅情況。例如,如果一間公司嘅管理層忽視員工嘅不當行為,可能會對公司嘅聲譽同道德標準產生長遠嘅負面影響。喺個人層面,避免「Look the other way」係必要嘅,因為正視同解決問題係社會進步嘅基石。教育大家正視問題,勇於擔當,能夠促進一個更負責任和透明嘅社會環境。
The security guard looked the other way while the theft occurred.
During the audit, some discrepancies were ignored; it seemed like the accountant just looked the other way.
When the manager noticed a minor mistake on the report, he chose to look the other way since the overall performance was stellar.