Kill two birds with one stone.
Kill two birds with one stone.
「Kill two birds with one stone」這句英文俚語意思係用一個行動達到兩個目的,即「一舉兩得」。喺香港,呢個表達多用來形容高效率地解決問題或完成任務。例如,如果你一邊去郵局郵寄東西,一邊順道去超市買嘢,就算係「一石二鳥」。喺工作上,透過合理安排會議及項目進程,同時解決多個任務亦是體現這種精神嘅好方法。學會這個俚語,可以幫助大家思考如何更有效率地進行日常安排和工作,讓生活更加有序且有效率。
We can kill two birds with one stone by combining the meetings.
Running errands while commuting allows her to kill two birds with one stone.
She scheduled the interview during her lunch break, managing to kill two birds with one stone.