Come full circle.
Come full circle.
「Come full circle」意指事情經過一番波折後,最終回到最初的狀態或地點。這個成語源於物理形態的「圓」,比喻結果循環循環相扣回到起始點。例如,一個從鄉下來的市民,經過多年努力之後選擇回到故鄉,這種情況可以說是「come full circle」。在生活或工作中使用這個成語,可以幫助描述一個過程的完整性和周期性,顯示無論如何變化,最終都可能回到原點。
The discussion went off-topic, but eventually it came full circle back to the original point.
After traveling the world for a year, her life views came full circle back to family importance.
Starting as an intern at the company and eventually becoming its CEO, his career really came full circle.