Put your thinking cap on.
Put your thinking cap on.
當我哋話「Put your thinking cap on」時,意思係要求某人或自己開始認真思考某個問題或計劃。喺香港,我哋可以將之翻譯為「深思熟慮」。在工作或學習中,當面臨需要創造性解決方案或複雜決策嘅時候,常常需要「深思熟慮」。例如,一個工程師在設計一個新嘅機械裝置前,需要花時間去分析各種技術方案同可能嘅挑戰。通過使用「深思熟慮」,你可以鼓勵自己或他人仔細考慮所有選項,以達到最好嘅結果。掌握呢個短語,有助於提升解決問題嘅能力,同時提高個人或團隊嘅效率。
Put your thinking cap on and solve this riddle.
We'll need to put our thinking caps on to address the sales decline this quarter.
Faced with the complex problem, the team had to put their thinking caps on to find a solution.