The Ecstasy - John Donne
狂喜 - 約翰·鄧恩
The Ecstasy - John Donne
狂喜 - 約翰·鄧恩
這首詩名為《The Ecstasy》,由約翰·多恩(John Donne)創作。這是一首描繪靈魂與肉體關係的玄學派愛情詩。
詩的開頭描繪了一幅美麗的自然景象,"Where, like a pillow on a bed, A pregnant bank swell'd up to rest The violet's reclining head",這裡將河岸比喻成枕頭,紫羅蘭倚靠其上休息,創造出一個舒適、平和的場景。"Sat we two, one another's best"表明了兩位戀人坐在那裡,彼此是最好的伴侶。
"Our hands were firmly cemented With a fast balm, which thence did spring"描述兩人緊握的雙手,彷彿被一種天然的香膏黏合在一起。"Our eye-beams twisted, and did thread Our eyes upon one double string"則形容他們的眼神交織在一起,象徵著靈魂的連接。
在這一段中,"So to'intergraft our hands, as yet Was all the means to make us one"表示兩人緊握的手是他們合一的方式。"And pictures in our eyes to get Was all our propagation"暗示通過眼神交流,他們的心靈得以繁衍。
"As 'twixt two equal armies fate Suspends uncertain victory"用戰爭中命運未定的比喻來形容他們靈魂的狀態。"Our souls (which to advance their state Were gone out) hung 'twixt her and me"說明他們的靈魂離開身體,在彼此之間懸浮。
"And whilst our souls negotiate there, We like sepulchral statues lay"描繪了他們像墓碑一樣靜止不動。"All day, the same our postures were, And we said nothing, all the day"強調了這種靜默的持續。
這一段提到如果有旁觀者能夠理解靈魂的語言,"He (though he knew not which soul spake, Because both meant, both spake the same)"即使不知道是哪個靈魂在說話,因為兩個靈魂表達的是相同的意思,也能從中獲益。
"This ecstasy doth unperplex, We said, and tell us what we love"指出這種狂喜讓我們明白我們所愛的是什麼。"We see by this it was not sex, We see we saw not what did move"說明他們的愛超越了性別和肉體。
"But as all several souls contain Mixture of things, they know not what, Love these mixed souls doth mix again, And makes both one, each this and that"解釋了愛如何將不同的靈魂再次混合,使他們成為一體。
"A single violet transplant, The strength, the colour, and the size, (All which before was poor and scant) Redoubles still, and multiplies"用紫羅蘭移植後變得更強壯、色彩更豐富來比喻愛的力量。
"When love with one another so Interinanimates two souls, That abler soul, which thence doth flow, Defects of loneliness controls"描述了當愛使兩個靈魂互相激勵時,產生的更強大靈魂能夠克服孤獨。
"We then, who are this new soul, know Of what we are composed and made, For th' atomies of which we grow Are souls, whom no change can invade"表明他們作為新的靈魂,知道自己的組成,這些原子般的靈魂不會受到改變的影響。
最後一段以"O alas, so long, so far, Our bodies why do we forbear?"開始,表達了對肉體分離的感慨。"They are ours, though they are not we; We are the intelligences, they the spheres"總結了靈魂與肉體的關係,靈魂是智慧,而肉體只是外在的容器。