「慢跑」的英語生字 ※ 夜跑:激勵毅力的動詞 ※ 強效英語課堂

Evening Jog: Motivational Verbs for Endurance: A serene twilight scene depicting a runner on a path, capturing the momentum and determination of 'Evening Jog: Motivational Verbs for Endurance.'


Evening Jog: Motivational Verbs for Endurance




An evening jog can be a refreshing way to improve both physical strength and mental endurance. Many learners preparing for English writing exams find inspiration in physical activities like running, which can help generate ideas and maintain motivation. While you jog, try focusing on a clear goal, such as improving your pace or completing a set distance without stopping. By doing so, you strengthen your discipline and cultivate determination.It’s also important to pace yourself properly. Start with a comfortable rhythm and gradually increase your speed, ensuring you sustain energy throughout the run. During challenging moments, remind yourself of the purpose behind every stride. Keep your posture upright and your breathing steady to avoid burnout. If you ever feel discouraged, visualize the satisfaction of meeting your goals and let that picture guide you forward.After your run, record your achievements in a journal or practice a short writing exercise describing your experience. This reflection can help you solidify what you have learned, expand your vocabulary, and sharpen your writing skills. Whether you are training for better health or simply seeking mental clarity, each evening jog has the power to transform small steps into significant progress. Stay persistent, and you will see improvements not only in your run but also in your ability to express yourself clearly in English.



  1. An evening jog can be a refreshing way to improve both physical strength and mental endurance.
    • improve (動詞) - 改善、提升
    • enhance - enhance 較正式,帶有進一步增強或提升的意思,可用在描述質量、價值或效果的提高。
    • boost - boost 偏口語,用於表示迅速增加或推動,適合描述短期或立即產生的積極效果。
  2. An evening jog can be a refreshing way to improve both physical strength and mental endurance.
    • endurance (名詞) - 耐力、持久力
    • stamina - stamina 偏向在長期活動或運動中維持體力和專注力。若你想強調持續做一件事的體能與毅力,可以選擇 stamina。
    • fortitude - fortitude 偏正式,形容在面對逆境或壓力時所展現的剛毅與堅忍,通常帶有心理層面的堅強意涵。
  3. ...which can help generate ideas and maintain motivation.
    • maintain (動詞) - 維持、保持
    • keep up - keep up 偏口語,表示持續做某事或與某種標準並行。若你想強調必須努力不斷跟上要求,可用 keep up。
    • preserve - preserve 偏正式,除維持外還有保存或保護的意思,多用在強調長期保留某種狀態、品質或資源。
  4. By doing so, you strengthen your discipline and cultivate determination.
    • cultivate (動詞) - 培養、養成
    • nurture - nurture 帶有細心照顧與成長的含義,常用於形容對人或能力的培養過程,也能用於家庭教育或個人興趣培養。
    • foster - foster 偏重提供環境或資源讓某事物成長,更常在組織或社群環境中用到,意指促進或幫助提升。
  5. While you jog, try focusing on a clear goal, such as improving your pace or completing a set distance...
    • pace (名詞) - 步伐、速度
    • speed - speed 比較通用,表示移動或行動的快慢程度,適用各種情境,包括開車、跑步或工作效率等。
    • tempo - tempo 多用於音樂或活動的節奏感上,若你想強調節拍或規律性時,可以用 tempo 來形容跑步的節奏。
  6. ...gradually increase your speed, ensuring you sustain energy throughout the run.
    • sustain (動詞) - 持續、支撐
    • maintain - maintain 與 sustain 意思相近,也可表達持續,但 maintain 更常用於保持特定狀態或水準,適用範圍較廣。
    • prolong - prolong 偏向延長某段時間或狀態。若你想強調在原本可能結束的時刻繼續延伸,可用 prolong。
  7. Keep your posture upright and your breathing steady to avoid burnout.
    • avoid (動詞) - 避免、避開
    • prevent - prevent 表示預先阻止某件事情的發生,強調「事前防患」的觀念。若你想表達阻止某情況發生的主動性,prevent 更合適。
    • evade - evade 偏正式,常用於形容閃避責任、問題或困境,帶有刻意躲避的意味。
  8. If you ever feel discouraged, visualize the satisfaction of meeting your goals...
    • discouraged (形容詞) - 洩氣的、灰心的
    • disheartened - disheartened 偏正式,語氣更強,強調失去勇氣或信心。若想形容打擊程度較深,可用 disheartened。
    • demoralized - demoralized 著重心理層面,表達因失去方向或希望而喪失鬥志。用於形容在過程中被難題或挫折壓倒的感受。
  9. If you ever feel discouraged, visualize the satisfaction of meeting your goals...
    • visualize (動詞) - 想像、在腦中具體呈現
    • imagine - imagine 是最基礎的「想像」或「假設」用語,適用範圍廣泛。若你想輕鬆表達創造一個心理畫面,imagine 是良好選擇。
    • envision - envision 偏正式,帶有「預見未來狀況」或「計劃前景」的意味,常用於職場或專業領域。
  10. After your run, record your achievements in a journal...
    • record (動詞) - 記錄、紀錄
    • log - log 偏向在特定表單或系統中持續紀錄事件、數據等資訊,常用於工作或研究上的檔案整理。
    • document - document 偏正式,表示詳盡紀錄事件或過程以備查考,常用於學術或專業報告中。
  11. This reflection can help you solidify what you have learned...
    • solidify (動詞) - 鞏固、使更堅定
    • strengthen - strengthen 用於使某物或概念更強大或更堅固,應用範圍非常廣,如自信、知識或身體素質。
    • consolidate - consolidate 偏正式,強調整合或合併各項資源,讓基礎或成果更加穩固;常見於組織或系統層面的強化。
  12. Whether you are training for better health or simply seeking mental clarity, each evening jog has the power to transform small steps into significant progress.
    • transform (動詞) - 轉變、變革
    • convert - convert 偏向由一種形式或狀態轉變成另一種,常用於轉換檔案格式或更換信仰等。若你想強調形態上的改變,convert 較為直觀。
    • evolve - evolve 帶有逐漸發展或演化的意思,強調經過時間逐步進化或改變,常用於描述過程性的成長。


本課透過「夜跑」這個主題,呈現多個與堅持與進步有關的英語動詞,例如 improve(改善)、endure(耐力)和 transform(轉變)等。這些詞彙能加深同學在寫作時描述目標和過程的層次,也可運用在生活中的各種情境。透過提供多樣的替代用詞,如 enhance、boost、nurture 等,同學可在文章中找到更適合的用字來呈現自己的意圖。此外,配合紀錄、反思和視覺化等方法,學生能鞏固學習成果並強化寫作技巧。長期下來,每個小步驟都能帶來顯著的進步,讓你在英文考試或日常交流裡,對於描述運動或毅力的主題更加得心應手。
