「辦公室」的英語生字 ※ 辦公室交流:與團隊建立良好關係的禮貌用語 ※ 強效英語課堂

Office Chat: Polite Terms for Team Bonding: A bright office scene with colleagues gathered around a table, smiling and using polite gestures as they collaborate on tasks, reflecting the spirit of team bonding.


Office Chat: Polite Terms for Team Bonding




Office communication often hinges on polite expressions that cultivate team harmony. Whether in quick hallway chats, official email threads, or collaborative projects, using courteous terms fosters genuine connections and efficient results. A friendly phrase such as “I appreciate your input” can ease potential tension, demonstrating respect for others’ opinions. In team discussions, gentle forms of disagreement like “I see your point, but…” maintain a constructive atmosphere while allowing you to voice alternative viewpoints. Proper etiquette extends beyond the words themselves: a professional tone, clear structure, and thoughtful timing also ensure your message resonates with coworkers.One particularly valuable practice is offering assistance. “Is there anything I can help you with?” not only portrays goodwill but also highlights a cooperative spirit. Moreover, acknowledging someone’s hard work—“Thank you for your dedication”—reinforces team morale. You can further strengthen workplace bonds by inviting colleagues to share their ideas: “How would you approach this challenge?” This question invites varied perspectives and fosters team unity.Additionally, be mindful when using humor. Friendly jokes can lighten the atmosphere, but balance is crucial to avoid misunderstandings. Above all, maintain honesty and humility. Owning up to mistakes and offering sincere apologies can defuse conflicts swiftly and show that you respect your colleagues. Polite communication in the office is about creating a supportive environment where everyone feels valued, heard, and motivated to contribute.Furthermore, leaving room for open dialogue is key. Instead of issuing orders, try phrases like “Could you please look into this?” or “Would you mind double-checking the figures?” The softer approach encourages collaboration and reassures your team that their input is respected. By focusing on courtesy, clarity, and kindness, you pave the way for lasting professional relationships. Mastering these expressions and strategies is a vital step toward a harmonious, productive, and enjoyable workplace.



  1. Office communication often hinges on polite expressions that cultivate team harmony.
    • hinges (動詞) - 取決於、依靠
    • revolves around - 在需要強調主要焦點或核心時可以使用,帶出事情或情況主要「圍繞」某個重心;通常用於描述抽象概念的核心。
    • depends on - 在想表達「視乎某事物而定」時可以使用,帶有條件性或必要因素的意思,常見於正式或半正式的敘述。
  2. Office communication often hinges on polite expressions that cultivate team harmony.
    • cultivate (動詞) - 培養、促進
    • nurture - 用於表達細心照料或長期培養的意思,常見於形容人際關係、才能或態度需要逐漸成長。
    • foster - 著重於促進發展或鼓勵成長,常用於形容組織或個人之間互相支持的過程。
  3. Using courteous terms fosters genuine connections and efficient results.
    • fosters (動詞) - 促進、培育
    • encourages - 側重以支持或讚美的方式推動他人,更常用於提示或讚賞他人的積極行動。
    • promotes - 著重於引導某種氣氛或提升某種狀態,特別用於強調積極的提升或發展。
  4. A friendly phrase such as “I appreciate your input” can ease potential tension.
    • tension (名詞) - 緊張、壓力
    • stress - 可用於指心理或環境帶來的壓力,通常較廣泛,包含情緒或身體上的負擔。
    • strain - 多用於形容因負荷或責任而導致的緊張或壓力,帶有更具體或物理層面的描述。
  5. Gentle forms of disagreement like “I see your point, but…” maintain a constructive atmosphere.
    • disagreement (名詞) - 分歧、意見不合
    • conflict - 用於形容較嚴重的衝突或爭執,往往不止意見不同,而是立場對立。
    • difference of opinion - 較溫和的說法,專注在看法或想法上的差異,用於社交或工作情景皆自然。
  6. Proper etiquette extends beyond the words themselves.
    • etiquette (名詞) - 禮儀、規範
    • protocol - 多用於正式場合或官方程序,強調明確的規範與流程。
    • manners - 更日常化,用於形容一般社交情景下的禮貌行為,範圍較廣泛。
  7. “Is there anything I can help you with?” not only portrays goodwill but also highlights a cooperative spirit.
    • goodwill (名詞) - 善意、好意
    • kindness - 更偏向個人層面的仁慈或友善,常用於描述個人的性格與行為。
    • benevolence - 屬較正式用詞,帶有慈善或寬厚待人的意味,可用於形容較宏觀或組織層面的善意。
  8. Not only portrays goodwill but also highlights a cooperative spirit.
    • highlights (動詞) - 突顯、強調
    • emphasizes - 用於突出某個重點或重要性,適用於正式與非正式場合表達強調。
    • underscores - 屬較正式的強調用語,通常在學術或正式報告中使用。
  9. Moreover, acknowledging someone’s hard work—“Thank you for your dedication”—reinforces team morale.
    • reinforces (動詞) - 加強、鞏固
    • strengthens - 表達「增強」或「使更有力」,在形容關係或團隊建設時皆適用。
    • consolidates - 較正式的字眼,通常用於將多個要素綜合一起以鞏固或整合。
  10. How would you approach this challenge?
    • approach (動詞/名詞) - 方法、態度;著手處理
    • tackle - 較口語但富行動力,代表主動應對或解決問題,常用於鼓勵積極行動。
    • handle - 用於表達對事情的處理方式,帶有更廣泛的應對或應變含義。
  11. Additionally, be mindful when using humor.
    • mindful (形容詞) - 留意的、小心的
    • conscious - 強調對某件事有所察覺或自覺,常用於形容人對外在環境或內在想法的警覺。
    • attentive - 著重於專注傾聽或觀察,帶有比較積極地關注對象的含義。
  12. Above all, maintain honesty and humility.
    • humility (名詞) - 謙虛、謙遜
    • modesty - 偏向於形容談吐或態度的低調不張揚,多用於稱讚他人時。
    • meekness - 較為書面或文學化的表達,強調溫和與順從,但在現代語境中較少使用。
  13. Owning up to mistakes and offering sincere apologies can defuse conflicts swiftly.
    • defuse (動詞) - 化解、解除(衝突等)
    • ease - 用來表達減輕某種程度的壓力或緊張氛圍,適用於多種情境。
    • mitigate - 較正式的用法,強調降低負面影響或風險,常用於專業或官方描述。
  14. Polite communication in the office is about creating a supportive environment where everyone feels valued.
    • environment (名詞) - 環境、氛圍
    • setting - 側重於特定的場景或背景,常用於敘述故事或工作、生活的具體脈絡。
    • atmosphere - 更加側重情緒或感受層面的氛圍,可用於形容一般或特定情境下的感覺。
  15. The softer approach encourages collaboration and reassures your team that their input is respected.
    • reassures (動詞) - 使放心、使安心
    • comforts - 更強調安慰或撫慰他人,常用於在對方情緒波動時給予安撫或支持。
    • puts at ease - 屬較口語化的表達,指出透過言語或行動減低對方的不安與壓力。


本課運用辦公室常見的情境,教你運用 polite、cultivate、etiquette 等關鍵字彙。在課程中,你會看到如何透過適當的詞彙來減少 tension 或 disagreement,並透過 goodwill、mindful、humility 等概念營造更友善的工作環境。利用 highlight、reinforces、reassures 等用法,你能進一步學習到如何肯定同事、舒緩衝突並強化團隊的合作精神。整體來說,本課所提供的字彙與短語能幫助你在工作場合建立更緊密的人際關係,同時保持專業與禮貌,不論是處理溝通問題或提出意見都能游刃有餘。
