「雨天」的英語生字 ※ 雨天特輯:用愉快字句照亮心情 ※ 強效英語課堂

Rainy Day: Cheerful Phrases to Brighten Spirits: A warm indoor scene featuring a window with soft raindrops, a comfy blanket, and a steaming mug, evoking the cozy essence of 'Rainy Day: Cheerful Phrases to Brighten Spirits.'


Rainy Day: Cheerful Phrases to Brighten Spirits




On a day filled with drizzle, many people find the atmosphere gloomy. However, a rainy day doesn't have to be dull. If you want to uplift your spirits, try stepping outside, even if just for a moment, and soak up the fresh air. As you walk briskly through the streets, appreciate the mild temperature that often accompanies gentle showers. Sharing a bright smile or a kind word with a friend can also encourage positivity. Sometimes, simply spotting a radiant umbrella in a gray crowd can brighten your mood. When the downpour grows heavier, head indoors and indulge in a cozy nook with a warm drink. Listen to the drops sprinkle gently on the window, and let your imagination wander. With the right mindset, these soothing sounds can bring comfort and inspiration. Perhaps you’ll notice a gleam of sunlight emerging after the storm has passed, reminding you that every cloud eventually drifts away, leaving space for hope to shine once again. So, embrace the rainy weather, and find small ways to turn gloom into glow.



  1. On a day filled with drizzle, many people find the atmosphere gloomy.
    • drizzle (名詞) - 毛毛雨
    • light rain - 當天氣只是零星地下著小雨時,可以使用 light rain 來形容,突出雨勢並不大,卻足以讓環境充滿濕氣。light rain 比 drizzle 更為口語化,也能在日常對話或寫作中強調是輕微的降雨。
    • sprinkling - sprinkling 通常指雨量稀少、分散的雨絲,強調不斷有細小雨滴落下來。用於表達剛開始下雨或雨勢輕緩時,能更豐富地形容場景的氛圍。
  2. On a day filled with drizzle, many people find the atmosphere gloomy.
    • gloomy (形容詞) - 陰沉的
    • dreary - dreary 常用於形容情境或氣氛既灰暗又無趣,帶有令人感到沮喪的意味。可用於描述天氣、心情或環境,令整體感受更顯沉悶。
    • melancholy - melancholy 帶有淡淡的悲傷與孤獨感,語氣比 gloomy 更顯深沈。適合在文學描述或較正式的場合中,表達內心憂鬱或氛圍悲愴時使用。
  3. If you want to uplift your spirits, try stepping outside, even if just for a moment, and soak up the fresh air.
    • uplift (動詞) - 提振、振奮
    • boost - boost 用於短時間內快速提升或增強某種狀態,例如士氣、能量或信心。與 uplift 相比更偏向立刻的加強感,多用於鼓舞或增強的場景。
    • elevate - elevate 意指提升層次或高度,涵蓋情感、狀態或地位的提高。相較於 boost,語氣更正式,有時可用於演講或寫作文體中,以強調持續且深層的振奮。
  4. If you want to uplift your spirits, try stepping outside, even if just for a moment, and soak up the fresh air.
    • soak (動詞) - 浸濕、吸收
    • absorb - absorb 側重於吸收、消化事物的過程,可用於形容學習知識或吸收水分。比 soak 更廣泛,可在抽象或具體情況下使用,強調持續而深入的接收。
    • drench - drench 強調「完全濕透」,用來描述大雨或潑水等情況下讓衣物或物體完全浸透。較 soak 更有戲劇性,常用於形容被雨水淋濕的狀態。
  5. As you walk briskly through the streets, appreciate the mild temperature that often accompanies gentle showers.
    • briskly (副詞) - 輕快地
    • quickly - quickly 直接表達「快速地」,適用範圍廣,多用於口語或敘述性文章中。相較於 briskly,更著重速度,而 briskly 還蘊含精力充沛、精神抖擻的感覺。
    • energetically - energetically 帶出積極、活力充沛的情感色彩,常用於鼓勵或表達正面積極的心態。相較於 briskly,更強調精力旺盛和動力十足的形象。
  6. As you walk briskly through the streets, appreciate the mild temperature that often accompanies gentle showers.
    • mild (形容詞) - 溫和的
    • gentle - gentle 側重於柔和、不刺激或不粗暴,除了形容天氣,也可用於描述個性、動作或態度。適用範圍相當廣,且常帶有親切感。
    • moderate - moderate 表示不過激也不極端,常用於形容天氣、態度或速度等。相較於 gentle,moderate 更強調在平均值或適中範圍內。
  7. Sharing a bright smile or a kind word with a friend can also encourage positivity.
    • encourage (動詞) - 鼓勵
    • motivate - motivate 更著重於驅使他人產生行動或動力,常用於職場、學習或運動領域。比 encourage 稍有更明確的目的性,顯示帶動目標實現的力量。
    • inspire - inspire 側重在激發想像力或創造力,常用於藝術、寫作或心靈層面。與 encourage 相比,更帶有情感和想法啟發的味道。
  8. Sometimes, simply spotting a radiant umbrella in a gray crowd can brighten your mood.
    • radiant (形容詞) - 光彩照人的
    • brilliant - brilliant 側重於「閃亮、出眾」,可形容光線耀眼、想法聰穎或表現傑出。相較於 radiant,更強調光輝度或智慧上的卓越。
    • glowing - glowing 注重柔和明亮的光芒,能用於描述膚色、物體或氛圍帶來的溫暖感。與 radiant 相較,glowing 更帶有舒適而柔潤的視覺印象。
  9. When the downpour grows heavier, head indoors and indulge in a cozy nook with a warm drink.
    • downpour (名詞) - 傾盆大雨
    • torrential rain - torrential rain 帶有持續且猛烈的降雨感,可強調雨勢既大且不易停止。用於正式或新聞報導,比 downpour 更著重雨勢的持續與兇猛。
    • heavy shower - heavy shower 通常用於描述在短時間內集中落下的大雨,比起 torrential rain 更口語。日常對話中,如果突然遇到雨勢猛烈卻持續時間較短,可用此字眼。
  10. When the downpour grows heavier, head indoors and indulge in a cozy nook with a warm drink.
    • cozy (形容詞) - 舒適溫馨的
    • snug - snug 多用於形容空間小而溫暖舒適,或衣物貼身保暖的感覺。與 cozy 相比,更帶有包覆與安全感,適合形容寒冷天氣時的保暖狀態。
    • comfortable - comfortable 範圍更廣,不僅能形容空間,也能形容人感覺放鬆的狀態。與 cozy 相較,comfortable 偏向身心的舒適感,而 cozy 更著重氛圍與情境的溫馨。
  11. Listen to the drops sprinkle gently on the window, and let your imagination wander.
    • sprinkle (動詞) - 灑落、零星小雨
    • scatter - scatter 描述分散或四處灑落的動作,可用於多種情境,如灑水、散播物件等。與 sprinkle 相比,scatter 更強調範圍與分散度,常在描寫多方向的分布。
    • drizzle - drizzle 作動詞表示細雨霧狀地下,或灑少量液體於表面。與名詞 drizzle 相同字形,但功能不同;用於表達輕柔連續下雨或輕輕淋上的動作時特別貼切。
  12. Perhaps you’ll notice a gleam of sunlight emerging after the storm has passed...
    • gleam (名詞) - 閃光、微光
    • glimmer - glimmer 形容微弱但持續的光芒,像蠟燭或遠方的光點。比 gleam 更顯低調,通常用於表示希望或光線在暗中閃現。
    • sparkle - sparkle 帶出閃爍、跳動的光點或生動感,常用於形容寶石或眼睛閃閃發亮。與 gleam 相較,更強調閃亮的活潑感。


透過這些詞彙與例句,學生學會如 drizzle、gloomy、uplift、soak、briskly、mild、encourage、radiant、downpour、cozy、sprinkle 與 gleam 等關鍵字,能在寫作中更靈活地形容雨天的場景與情緒。課程透過提供替代字與詳細用法,強調在不同情境下使用正確且多樣的字彙,不僅豐富文章內容,也強化讀者的印象。配合課程中介紹的短語與動詞、形容詞等搭配運用,讓學生在面對任何天氣或心情時,都能寫出富有層次與說服力的英文段落。
