在辦公室情境中,懂得使用適當且禮貌的英文表達能大幅提升工作效率與人際互動品質,請專注學習文中詞彙並嘗試在寫作或日常對話中活用。Communicating politely in the office helps build positive relationships among colleagues. For instance, offering courtesy to a busy teammate by asking if they have a moment to talk fosters a respectful atmosphere. Additionally, always acknowledge others’ efforts with a simple “Thank you” or “Great job!” These phrases show genuine appreciation and encourage a friendly work environment. Sharing honest feedback is also crucial. Polite discussions about strengths and areas for improvement help everyone grow. Moreover, when you collaborate on tasks, you develop trust and boost efficiency. A respectful approach means valuing everyone’s ideas, whether you suggest a new method or apologize for a mistake. Professional behavior demonstrates reliability and helps the team thrive. Recognize each member’s contribution to create synergy that drives successful results. By practicing politeness daily, you strengthen bonds and inspire open communication. Small gestures, like greeting co-workers warmly or expressing gratitude, leave a lasting impression and promote harmony at the workplace.
- For instance, offering courtesy to a busy teammate by asking if they have a moment to talk fosters a respectful atmosphere.
- courtesy (名詞) - 禮貌
- politeness - politeness 表示待人接物時的禮貌態度,適用在正式與非正式場合,能傳達出對他人的尊重,也為良好互動奠定基礎。
- civility - civility 較常用於強調社交禮儀與公共場合中的尊重,適合用於工作環境或學術交流,展現自我修養與禮節。
- For instance, offering courtesy to a busy teammate by asking if they have a moment to talk fosters a respectful atmosphere.
- respectful (形容詞) - 尊重的
- considerate - considerate 強調體貼他人的需求與情感,適用於描述言行舉止中展現的關懷態度,能有效傳達良好人際互動。
- deferential - deferential 通常強調對長輩、上司或權威人士的尊敬,帶有謙恭與謙讓的色彩,多見於正式或禮節性的情境。
- Additionally, always acknowledge others’ efforts with a simple “Thank you” or “Great job!”
- acknowledge (動詞) - 承認、肯定
- recognize - recognize 側重於確認某人的付出或成就,常用於正式場合,如頒獎典禮或公開場合,讓對方感受到被重視。
- appreciate - appreciate 表達感激或欣賞,側重由衷感謝他人的幫助或貢獻,在日常對話或正式文章中都能使用。
- Sharing honest feedback is also crucial.
- feedback (名詞) - 回饋、意見
- critique - critique 多用於評論或分析,如針對專業文件、作品進行批評與建議,強調有深度的討論與評估。
- input - input 偏向一般性意見或想法,可以在日常對話或工作會議中使用,讓他人知道你對話題所做的貢獻。
- Moreover, when you collaborate on tasks, you develop trust and boost efficiency.
- collaborate (動詞) - 合作
- team up - team up 用於較口語或輕鬆場合,表示與他人組成小組或團體共同完成任務,常見於工作或活動安排。
- work together - work together 直接點出彼此合作的意涵,適用於口語與書面敘述,強調團隊成員之間的互助與配合。
- Moreover, when you collaborate on tasks, you develop trust and boost efficiency.
- efficiency (名詞) - 效率
- productivity - productivity 常用於強調產出量與成效,特別適用於工作績效評估或企業管理,突顯生產效率的重要。
- effectiveness - effectiveness 主要強調達到目標的程度,適合用於描述策略、計畫或行動方案是否能成功執行。
- A respectful approach means valuing everyone’s ideas, whether you suggest a new method or apologize for a mistake.
- approach (名詞) - 方法、態度
- method - method 指具體且可操作的步驟與程序,常應用於系統化的研究、教學或工作流程,使執行更有邏輯。
- strategy - strategy 強調長期計畫與大方向,用於商業計畫或問題解決時,帶有全盤考量與布署的涵義。
- A respectful approach means valuing everyone’s ideas, whether you suggest a new method or apologize for a mistake.
- suggest (動詞) - 建議
- propose - propose 偏向正式用語,多用於提出計畫、方案或想法,常見於會議紀錄、報告或學術論文。
- recommend - recommend 既可用於正式也可用於半正式場合,表示基於經驗或判斷所給出的建議,在工作與日常情境皆適用。
- A respectful approach means valuing everyone’s ideas, whether you suggest a new method or apologize for a mistake.
- apologize (動詞) - 道歉
- say sorry - say sorry 是日常生活中最直接的表達道歉方式,偏口語化,能迅速傳達你的歉意,拉近彼此距離。
- make amends - make amends 不只包含言語道歉,也包含主動補償的行動,適用於更正式或嚴肅的場合,展現誠意。
- Professional behavior demonstrates reliability and helps the team thrive.
- professional (形容詞) - 專業的
- businesslike - businesslike 強調處事理性且有效率,適合形容工作場合中專注、負責且有條理的態度,帶來正面的印象。
- competent - competent 側重於擁有足夠的能力或技術來完成任務,常用於表達人員在專業領域的熟練程度。
- Recognize each member’s contribution to create synergy that drives successful results.
- contribution (名詞) - 貢獻
- input - input 偏重在意見或想法的提供,有助於團隊決策與創新,也是一種參與度的展現。
- addition - addition 可泛指任何形式的增添或補充內容,適合在需要強調多方合作或資源整合時使用。
- Recognize each member’s contribution to create synergy that drives successful results.
- synergy (名詞) - 協同作用
- cooperation - cooperation 較著重於人與人之間的合作行為,適用在工作、學習或社會議題等各種情境中。
- harmony - harmony 側重於整體和諧、團結一致的氛圍,特別用於描述人際關係或組織文化的融洽度。