March to the beat of your own drum.
March to the beat of your own drum.
「March to the beat of your own drum」意指按照自己的方式行事,不隨波逐流。想象一個樂隊中,每個人都隨著指揮的節拍演奏,但其中有一人卻依照自己的節奏行走和打鼓。例如,當大多數人選擇穩定的職業道路時,有些人可能會選擇追隨自己的熱情,如藝術或創業。雖然這樣的路往往充滿不確定和挑戰,但也更有可能帶來個人滿足感和成就。這個成語提醒我們珍視自己的獨特性和追隨內心的聲音,即使這樣的選擇可能與眾不同。
She tends to march to the beat of her own drum, never following trends.
Marching to the beat of your own drum can lead to innovative ideas.
He has always marched to the beat of his own drum, even as a kid.