Until the cows come home.
Until the cows come home.
這個成語「Until the cows come home」在台灣傳統中文裡意味著某件事情持續非常長的時間。想像一下,在鄉下,牛群在外面吃草,直到天黑才會慢慢走回家。這個過程通常會花很長時間,因此當人們使用這個成語時,他們通常是在描述一個幾乎沒有明確結束時間的行為或事件。例如,如果一場派對從下午開始一直繼續到深夜,你可以說這場派對「until the cows come home」。這個成語讓人感受到某種無休止或漫長等待的氣氛,非常適合用來形容那些看似永遠不會結束的情況。
They could argue about politics until the cows come home.
You can try, but he won't change his mind until the cows come home.
We can debate this issue until the cows come home and still not find a solution.