[Idiom] ALL EARS. - Learn How to Express Attentive Listening Skills

All ears.

All ears.

Paying full attention.

The idiom "all ears" means someone is fully listening to you, giving you their complete attention. Imagine someone literally lending both their ears entirely to what you're saying, shutting out all other distractions. It's a playful way to tell someone you are ready and eager to hear what they have to say.

Example Sentences

  1. Tell me everything about your trip, I'm all ears.

    Tell me everything about your trip, I'm very interested.

  2. Once he mentioned the mystery, we were all ears.

    We were all very interested once he mentioned the mystery.

  3. As soon as the guest speaker took the stage, the audience was all ears.

    The audience was very attentive when the guest speaker began.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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