Chip on your shoulder.
to hold a grudge
'Chip on your shoulder' describes a person who seems to be looking for an excuse to quarrel or is always mindful of slights against them, real or imagined. The phrase might have originated from the historical act of placing an actual chip of wood on one's shoulder, daring others to knock it off as a way to provoke a fight. In modern terms, it vividly paints someone's readiness to defend against perceived offenses.
Example Sentences
He always had a chip on his shoulder about not going to college.
He always felt bitter about not having gone to college.
She talked to him about his chip on his shoulder regarding past failures.
She discussed his lingering resentment about past failures with him.
Despite his successes, he still carried a chip on his shoulder from childhood struggles.
Despite his successes, childhood struggles still made him feel resentful.