Dig your own grave.
Cause one’s own downfall.
To 'Dig your own grave' is a figure of speech that means to do something that causes one's own failure or ruin in the future. It suggests that the actions one takes are akin to digging a grave, which metaphorically means preparing for one's own downfall. Often used as a cautionary statement, it warns individuals about the consequences of their decisions or actions that could lead to serious problems or the end of an endeavor.
Example Sentences
If you keep procrastinating, you'll dig your own grave at work.
Procrastinating will negatively impact your job.
He dug his own grave by lying to his partner about the finances.
He caused his own trouble by lying about the finances to his partner.
Continuously avoiding responsibilities will eventually make you dig your own grave.
Continuously avoiding responsibilities will eventually result in problems for yourself.