[Idiom] NOT ON MY WATCH. - Preventing Missteps Under Your Supervision

Not on my watch.

Not on my watch.

not under my supervision or responsibility

'Not on my watch' is something of a heroic declaration, often used when someone pledges to prevent certain actions or behaviours while they are in charge. Picture a seasoned captain who insists that no accidents will occur while he's helming the ship. Or consider a dedicated supervisor who ensures that safety protocols are strictly followed in a warehouse. This idiom emphasizes vigilance and responsibility; it's the verbal equivalent of drawing a line in the sand, asserting that as long as the speaker is in control, negative events will be thwarted. It’s a statement imbued with dedication, showcasing a proactive approach to leadership and oversight.

Example Sentences

  1. That's not going to happen on my watch.

    That won’t happen while I’m in charge.

  2. Drama is not tolerated on my watch.

    I don’t allow unnecessary drama to occur under my management.

  3. Cutting corners isn’t allowed on my watch.

    Allowing shortcuts or laziness is not acceptable under my supervision.

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