[Idiom] YOKE AROUND YOUR NECK. - Coping with Heavy Burdens Effectively

Yoke around your neck.

Yoke around your neck.

heavy burden

A 'Yoke around your neck' illustrates bearing a heavy, burdensome responsibility. Historically, a yoke is a wooden beam placed on oxen, which makes the metaphor apt for describing carrying heavy burdens that significantly hinder one's freedom or comfort.

Example Sentences

  1. Debt can feel like a yoke around your neck.

    Debt can feel like a heavy burden that is continuously weighing you down.

  2. The responsibilities of the job became a yoke around his neck.

    The demands of his job became an overwhelming and inescapable burden.

  3. That old grudge is a yoke around your neck; let it go.

    Holding onto an old grudge is like carrying a heavy load that you should release.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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