[Idiom] SAFE AND SOUND. - Ensure Your Well-being: Tips for Staying Unharmed

Safe and sound.

Safe and sound.

/seɪf ənd saʊnd/

Unharmed, in good condition.

The phrase "safe and sound" is a comforting assurance that someone or something remains unharmed and in good condition after a potentially hazardous situation. For example, after a child returns home from a camping trip or a car is found undamaged after being left on a busy street, they are described as "safe and sound." This idiom promotes the idea of safety and relief, highlighting the joy of finding things just as you’d hoped in a risky world.

Example Sentences

  1. After the storm, it was a relief to find everyone safe and sound.

    It was a relief to find everyone unharmed after the storm.

  2. She called her parents to let them know she arrived safe and sound.

    She called her parents to confirm her safe arrival.

  3. The firefighters worked tirelessly to ensure that all pets were safe and sound after the building evacuation.

    The firefighters ensured all pets were unharmed after evacuation.

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