[Idiom] BACK TO THE GRIND. - Make Coming Back to Work Easier with This Phrase

Back to the grind.

Back to the grind.

/bæk tə ðə ɡraɪnd/

Returning to regular routine, especially work.

Back to the grind" refers to returning to one's daily work or routine after a break, with "grind" suggesting the routine is hard and continuous like using a mill or grinding wheel. It's a way people commonly sum up the end of a holiday or a break, highlighting both the regularity and, sometimes, the tedious nature of returning to daily responsibilities.

Example Sentences

  1. After the holidays, it's back to the grind.

    The individual has to return to their regular work routine after enjoying a holiday break.

  2. Weekend's over, back to the grind tomorrow.

    The person is indicating that they will have to resume their usual work activities the day after the weekend.

  3. She enjoyed her vacation, but now it's back to the grind at work.

    After having a pleasurable break on vacation, she must now go back to her usual work commitments.

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