[Idiom] KEEP ON ROLLING. - Staying the Course Through Challenges

Keep on rolling.

Keep on rolling.

continue despite difficulties

To 'Keep on rolling' suggests maintaining momentum, progress, or activity, regardless of difficulties or obstacles. Picture a wheel rolling down a road; it continues moving forward even if there are bumps or turns. This idiom is great encouragement for perseverance and is often used in professional or personal growth contexts, advocating for persistence in pursuit of goals.

Example Sentences

  1. Despite setbacks, he kept on rolling with his goals.

    Despite facing setbacks, he continued pursuing his goals.

  2. With encouragement from friends, she kept on rolling through her fitness regime.

    With encouragement from friends, she continued with her fitness regime.

  3. Financial hardships didn’t stop Robert; he kept on rolling by launching a new business.

    Financial hardships didn't stop Robert; he continued by launching a new business.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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