[Idiom] KEEP AT BAY. - Keeping Trouble at Bay: Strategies to Maintain Distance from Problems

Keep at bay.

Keep at bay.

/kiːp æt beɪ/

Prevent from coming too close.

To "keep at bay" means to prevent something or someone from approaching or having an influence. Historically, this phrase was used in hunting, where dogs were held back to keep the prey at bay. In contemporary usage, it refers to controlling a situation to avoid negative outcomes, such as keeping problems or adversaries at a safe distance. Understanding and employing this idiom can be crucial in personal safety, mental health, and business contexts, where maintaining boundaries is essential for well-being and success.

Example Sentences

  1. Keep the dogs at bay while I bring in the groceries.

    He needs to prevent the dogs from coming close while groceries are being brought inside.

  2. She kept her fears at bay by focusing on work.

    By concentrating on her work, she prevents her fears from overwhelming her.

  3. He managed to keep his competitors at bay with innovative strategies.

    He successfully maintained a competitive edge by using innovative strategies to prevent other competitors from overtaking.

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