[Idiom] FLAT OUT LIKE A LIZARD DRINKING. - Navigating Through High-pressure Work Environments

Flat out like a lizard drinking.

Flat out like a lizard drinking.

extremely busy

'Flat out like a lizard drinking' is an Australian idiom used to describe someone extremely busy or working very hard. The imagery conjured is of a lizard splayed out in the hot sun, rapidly drinking water—a metaphor for someone expending all their effort and energy in a flurry of activity. Though humorous, it communicates the intense pace many people experience in their daily routines.

Example Sentences

  1. He worked flat out like a lizard drinking to meet the deadline.

    He worked extremely hard to meet the deadline.

  2. After the announcement, the team was flat out like a lizard drinking to finish the project.

    The team worked extremely hard to complete the project after the announcement.

  3. During emergency situations, medics are often flat out like a lizard drinking to save lives.

    In emergency situations, medics work tirelessly to save lives.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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