Don't sell yourself short.
undervalue oneself
The phrase 'Don't sell yourself short' is a motivational call to action that suggests you should not underestimate your worth or abilities. This can apply in various situations, whether during salary negotiations, considering a new challenge, or even in personal estimations of skill and value. The idiom paints the picture of 'selling' yourself - similar to how a product's price is determined - urging you not to settle for less than what you're worth. Imagine you're a high-quality product on a shelf, and confidently assert your best qualities and capabilities!
Example Sentences
Don't sell yourself short; you're more talented than you believe.
She should not underestimate her talent because she is more capable than she thinks.
She told him not to sell yourself short; he had the skills for the promotion.
She advised him to believe in his skills because he is suitable for the promotion.
Despite his success, he always seemed to sell himself short to his colleagues.
He often undervalues his achievements in front of his colleagues despite being successful.