[Idiom] UNDER SOMEONE'S THUMB. - Understanding Dominance in Relationships

Under someone's thumb.

Under someone's thumb.

Controlled or dominated by someone.

Being "Under someone's thumb" means being under their control or influence, much like a small creature under the thumb of a large hand cannot move freely. This idiom is often used to describe unequal relationships where one party has significantly more power or influence over another.

Example Sentences

  1. He's under her thumb.

    He's completely controlled by her.

  2. Ever since he started dating Karen, he's been completely under her thumb.

    Ever since he started dating Karen, he's been completely controlled by her.

  3. John feels like he's under his boss's thumb, unable to make any decisions on his own.

    John feels like his boss controls him entirely, unable to make any decisions on his own.

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