[Idiom] WRING HANDS. - Discover How to Identify Signs of Anxiety in Conversations

Wring hands.

Wring hands.

Show nervousness or anxiety.

Wring hands" is an idiom that refers to the physical gesture of twisting one's hands together, usually done unconsciously when a person feels nervous or anxious. This expression comes from old practices of hand-wringing as a sign of distress. It is often used today to depict someone who is worried or in a state of unease during stressful situations.

Example Sentences

  1. She was wringing her hands during the interview, clearly nervous.

    She was visibly anxious during the interview.

  2. At the funeral, you could see many people wringing their hands, a natural expression of their grief and anxiety.

    People were expressing their sorrow and anxiety visibly at the funeral.

  3. While waiting to hear if she had gotten the role, Marissa found herself compulsively wringing her hands, her nervousness on full display.

    Marissa was very nervous while waiting for the role, and it showed through her hand movements.

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