[Idiom] IN HOT WATER. - Navigating Troubled Waters: How to Stay Out of Trouble

In hot water.

In hot water.

/ɪn hɑt ˈwɔː.tər/

In trouble or difficulty.

Being "in hot water" metaphorically means being in trouble or facing criticism. The imagery is akin to being in a pot of boiling water, indicating discomfort and potential danger. This idiom is useful for understanding how actions can lead to complications and the importance of being aware of the consequences of one's behavior. It serves as a cautionary tale to think before you act and maintain awareness of your environment to avoid unnecessary difficulties.

Example Sentences

  1. He's in hot water over the missed deadline.

    He’s facing trouble or backlash due to not meeting the deadline.

  2. I found myself in hot water when I forgot the meeting.

    Forgetting the meeting has caused him to be in a problematic situation.

  3. She was in hot water with her boss after the error.

    Her mistake resulted in her getting into trouble with her employer.

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