[Idiom] HAVE HANDS FULL. - How to Manage When Your Hands Are Full: Tips for Handling Busy Times

Have hands full.

Have hands full.

/hæv hændz fʊl/

Be extremely busy or preoccupied.

When you "have your hands full," you’re so busy that you figuratively can’t hold anything else. It’s often used to describe situations where someone is so preoccupied with their tasks or responsibilities that they have no capacity to take on more. This idiom is especially relatable in today’s fast-paced world where balancing multiple tasks and roles is a common challenge. Learning how to effectively manage time and prioritize tasks can alleviate the feeling of being overwhelmed and enhance productivity in both personal and professional settings.

Example Sentences

  1. She really has her hands full with the new project.

    She is overwhelmed with the responsibilities of her new project.

  2. I can't join you; I have my hands full.

    He is too busy to join for he's preoccupied with his current tasks.

  3. John has his hands full managing three teams at once.

    John is occupied with the challenging task of managing multiple teams simultaneously.

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