[Idiom] TAKE THE EDGE OFF. - How to Talk About Easing Tension Using English Idioms

Take the edge off.

Take the edge off.

Reduce stress or tension.

The expression "take the edge off" is used when someone wants to make a painful or sharp situation feel less severe. It can refer to making something less intense or severe, like having a cup of tea to soothe nerves or a snack to lessen hunger.

Example Sentences

  1. A cup of tea might take the edge off your headache.

    A cup of tea might reduce your headache.

  2. After the intense meeting, they went for drinks to take the edge off the stress.

    After the intense meeting, they went for drinks to alleviate stress.

  3. He took a deep breath to take the edge off his nervousness before stepping onto the stage.

    He took a deep breath to reduce his nervousness before stepping onto the stage.

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